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It was just the two of them, riding side by side on their horses to the docks. Ni-ki was quiet the whole way, unsure of what to say to Hayoung. He didn't know if small talk would be good and just to stay in silence.

"Your highness," Hayoung finally spoke, breaking the silence, "There's some things we should discuss as we embark on our voyage to Eloria."

"Go ahead," he responded. Ni-Ki's voice was deep, much deeper than Hayoung remembered. To be frank, she didn't quite remember what he sounded like after they departed nine years ago.

She cleared her throat, "As you know this voyage will be for four weeks. We will be spending a little time in certain villages and towns to recover and rest. Some other times we will be camping out. I will do my best to make sure you are comfortable wherever we are. Do not hesitate to ask me for anything if you need. Two, this ship we are boarding is disguised as a large cargo ship. There may be a moment where the Zrykonian ocean police will stop us and investigate the boat. You will have to hide in one of the cellars when this happens, I will stand guard everywhere so you do not need to worry about your safety. I am especially skilled in physical combat, knives, and swordsmanship. Lastly, if there ever comes a time where your life and my life is in danger, you need to get out of the situation as fast as possible. Leave me behind even if it means I die."

Ni-ki's eyes opened wide when he heard the word die.

"What do you mean die?" Ni-ki questioned, the pitch of his voice raising in concern.

"Well, you heard me. There's no guarantee that we will be safe. We're entering dangerous land, even worse because of the war. However, as your bodyguard, your life comes first. Do not worry about me. I can handle things."

After their small conversation, it was back to silence. They were riding through hidden paths of Odessia, but regardless, no one would be able to identify them. Hayoung and Ni-Ki were both wearing cloaks and clothes durable for long travel.

When they arrived at the docks, they mounted off their horses, leading them into the ship. The journey on the ocean would be three days. Hayoung watched every move the prince made. Ni-ki was surely a bit uncomfortable by the woman who loathed him intensely monitoring his every step on the ship.

The sailor was an ex-navy soldier. He was a 24-year-old named Jungwon and was dismissed after an accident on one of the ships when he was 21. A technical error in the ship's ammunition unit caused an explosion, Jungwon, unfortunately being in that section. He was lucky to have survived, but his left arm was unsalvageable and lost vision in his right eye. He wore a bandage over his head, covering the unsightly deformity. His capabilities were doubted, but it turned out he was a skilled sailor, rumored to have a sixth sense, able to sense if storms were approaching or what the tides would be like.

"Jungwon," Hayoung gave him a nod, shaking his hand, "Good to see you again."

"Hello, captain," Jungwon wholeheartedly shook her hand, "It's an honor to serve you and his highness."

"So she really is a big deal," Ni-ki thought, slightly surprised by Jungwon's reaction.

"Your highness, I will do my best to give you the smoothest ride possible, though I can not be certain that the tides will be smooth, I can guarantee us safety," Jungwon exclaimed with confidence.

Ni-ki nodded his head and proceeded to venture off elsewhere in the boat. He wasn't interested in talking to the sailor. He sat on the deck of the boat, watching the glistening turquoise waters sparkle as the ship took off. Every so often, Ni-ki would take a glance at Hayoung who was standing by the helm with Jungwon. She seemed to enjoy conversing with him whilst keeping her eye on the prince. This irked the prince a bit as if she seemed to be not prioritizing him. And so as the sun went down, the prince had a plan, though it was of childish antics, he was determined to see how dedicated she was to him.

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