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Hayoung was packing her belongings as she would leave this afternoon for her four week voyage with the prince to Eloria. She wondered how her trip would be and how much Ni-ki changed. Though she hated to admit it, she was a bit nervous to accompany someone who she hadn't talked to in years. She had a short temper and knew if anything were to go bad she would lose her cool. Not being in control would drive her to anxiety and panic.

Over the past week, Hayoung strategized the paths she would take to Eloria. She wanted to avoid all the areas Zyrkon was closing in on, but it meant that there would be risk of encountering bandits and bounty hunters. In order to leave Odessia, Hayoung and Ni-ki would leave on a small boat crossing the oceans with their horses. They would then proceed with their mission by traveling to a small town called Aragon, then up to a mountain village called Monterria, go through the Everfree Forest, and finally get to Eloria.

"Hayoung, are all packed up?" Caspian was standing by the door frame.

"Yep, pretty much," Hayoung let out a little sigh, "This is my most important mission yet. I can't let anything go wrong."

Caspian walked over to his daughter and embraced her in his arms. "Knowing you, everything will be just fine. You are more than capable. Don't forget to kick ass."

Hayoung let out a little chuckle, "Thanks, pa. I love you."

"Love you too, captain."

Hayoung walked to the royal horse stable where she would be reunited with her white, Arabian horse, Pippa. She hadn't seen Pippa in months due to her constant, endless, nights at the Naval Base. Entering the stables she saw her brother Heeseung, Prince Ni-ki, the princesses, and Serci.

"Your highnesses," Hayoung exclaimed, bowing to them.

"Oh, Hayoung," Princess Isla said walking to her, "We're old friends, no need to call us that."

"I haven't seen you in ages," Hayoung said softly, hugging Princess Isla.

"I wish you two the best," the princess responded, "And if this boy acts up I give you permission to beat his ass a bit, but not too hard because he can't handle it."

"Isla," Ni-ki hissed, embarrassed.

"Of course, I will do everything I can."

Hayoung and Ni-ki began to prepare their horses, saddling them with and packing necessities. Heeseung stood next to Hayoung, watching her pack.

"Hayoung," he started, slightly sighing, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" she questioned with a monotonous tone, busy strapping the buckles on Pippa.

"For everything. I know I've been irrational growing up and now. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have treated you that way growing up. You're just a kid."

"I was a kid. I grew up faster than you realized, Heeseung," Hayoung said, "You know after I dropped school things changed. I was struck with reality."

Heeseung walked around Pippa to face Hayoung. For years he hadn't realized how mature she became and how she seemed more adult than him. Catching her off guard, he hugged her, his hand stroking the back of her head.

"You will always be my sister and I will always be proud of you. Despite not being blood, our bonds are greater than anything. Good luck on your mission. You will make both Odessia and Sol rejoice in your honor."

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