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Ni-ki and Hayoung sat at the front of the deck together as Ni-ki was eating the fish stew Hayoung had made for dinner. It was awkwardly silent as Hayoung watched him eat. He was compelled to say something, but didn't want to set her off or make the vibe even more frigid.

"The stew is good," he said quietly.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it, your highness," Hayoung responded curtly.

There was nothing more she wanted to say to him, but the prince wished to converse with her more. There were always words on the tip of his tongue, but he tried to contain it to himself for the most part. The two sat in silence again and Ni-ki finished his meal.

"Captain, are you alright? When I saw you earlier you looked-"

"I'm fine," she cut him off before he could add anything else to his sentence, "Your highness, please don't concern yourself with me. Just focus on yourself and your health. I don't need you worrying about me when you're already on a high stress mission."

Her words were empty, the prince knew, she was just saying it as protocol because it was her duty nothing more than that. Hayoung wasn't trying to let personal emotions interfere.

"Anyways, Captain, we have one more night on the ship before we get to Aragon."

"Yes, I know, your highness."

"Let's play a game together. You can't tell me no because you said you would do anything for me."

"A game?" Hayoung raised her eyebrow unamused, "Of what sort?"

"Hmm... okay not a game. Tell me something about you. Something that I don't know," he exclaimed nonchalantly.

"What is this? An interview?" She muttered under her breath, "He's certainly trying to redeem himself."

"And as your superior, you can not deny my request," the prince felt a triumph in this trivial interaction with Hayoung.

Hayoung sighed, unable to refuse a royal demand, "Well... I was ranked number one in my naval unit for combat and swordsmanship."

"I already knew that. Something else," he said casually, his hand resting under his chin. He was looking at her intently.

Hayoung felt a wave of disgust and irritation chill up her spine before she sighed again.

"I picked up knife throwing so my accuracy is on point."

"Already knew that. Next!"

Hayoung gave the prince a disgruntled facial expression, giving up her facade.

"I think you are extremely immature for someone who's the same age as me," Hayoung sputtered.

Prince Ni-ki let out a chuckle before he gently tapped Hayoung's nose. "That's my specialty."

Hayoung was flustered with his action, feeling her ears turn red and heat up. "T-that's enough," she caught herself stuttering, embarrassed. Hayoung stood up and left the table, leaving Ni-ki amused with her flusterment.

"Why is he acting like this?" Hayoung thought to herself, her hand over her lips as she walked away from him, "He's changed... he's suddenly bold!"

"God, she's trying so hard not to let her guard down," he thought to himself.

Ni-ki paused for a moment and was struck with a wave of realization of his actions. The prince quickly covered his mouth with his hand, leaning back into his chair, his face bright red.

"Oh my god, what is wrong with me?"


a/n: ohohohohoho let the interest debacle commence

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