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3 months passed and Hayoung seemed to be more comfortable in Odessia. She was also able to speak the Odessian language easily, having the help of her teachers and practicing at home with Heeseung and Caspian. She began to like school and before she knew it, Hayoung was on the braid train. All the girls were mesmerized by her long luscious black hair. 

Caspian got better at his new parenting job. He remembered to pack lunch for the kids or if he didn't he would make sure they had some lunch money. When the school days were done, he would spend endless hours on the dinner table trying to help Heeseung or Hayoung with their homework. He never saw this coming nor realized how much the educational curriculum changed over the years.

Summer approached. With the war still ravaging on, Caspian became busier than ever. He would come home late, Heeseung and Hayoung already asleep by the time he came. His heart was heavy every moment he stepped foot in the house. He was grateful for the independence these young kids had.

On an early warm morning, Caspian put on his formal navy uniform. He woke Heeseung and Hayoung up, making them dress in their finest attire he had bought them. Heeseung wore a light collared blue shirt with a beige vest, brown slacks, and dress shoes. Caspian had Heeseung's hair styled identical to his.

Hayoung wore a white dress with small ruffles and black Mary Jane shoes. She found dressing up a burden as her school uniform was uncomfortable enough. She hated wearing dresses and was often wearing the clothes Heeseung outgrew.

"Sir, where are we going?" Hayoung asked Caspian. Though living with Caspian for a few months, she had taken what she learned from school and naval base and would formally address him as sir.

"We are going somewhere special and meeting some special people," he responded as he held Hayoung's hand, Heeseung following them, exiting their house.

"Special?" she repeated, tilting her head up.

"Yep," Caspian hummed, "These people are my friends."

Hayoung and Heeseung sat in the back of the motor vehicle as Caspian began to drive. Before they knew it, they were greeted by bright golden gates. Both kids stepped out of the car starstruck by the heavenly sight.

"We-we're at the palace?" Heeseung stuttered.

Caspian smirked, proud of his surprise to the kids. King Orion and Queen Felora were extremely excited to know that Caspian had adopted two kids. It was even more exciting and heartwarming for Queen Felora because these kids were from her home. She wanted to do everything she could to make these two feel at home and loved.

The three of them entered the palace and walked through the corridor of the palace. Every wall was intricately carved with designs from the ocean. The ceilings were covered with paintings of gods and goddesses. The borders of every wall are covered in gold. The light from the sun shone through the grand windows, a view that looked so heavenly.

King Orion and Queen Felora were walking in their direction as three smaller children lingered behind them.

"Caspian, who knew this day would come," Orion let out a heart laugh, extending his arms to Caspian.

Queen Felora crouched down to the children in her pearly white and gold dress. "Oh, you beautiful children." Her eyes sparkled as she looked at them.

"What are your names?" she asked them in Xernian.

Heeseung's eyes open widely, "You know Xernian?"

She smiled, "Of course. Why wouldn't I know the language of my people?"

Heeseung smiled brightly, "I am Heeseung. This is Hayoung. She doesn't know how to speak Xernian, only the language that the people of Sol speak."

Queen Felora motioned to the three children to come to the front. They all looked about the same age as Heeseung and Hayoung.

"Heeseung and Hayoung, meet my children. This is Isla, Ni-ki, and Lilabeth."

"Wait, you're in my class," the young Hayoung finally spoke, pointing her finger to Ni-ki.

"Hayoung it's not polite to point" Heeseung muttered, pushing her hand down.

The queen let out a soft laugh as she inched her kids closer to Heeseung and Hayoung.

"I hope you guys become good friends."

And for years, since their meeting, Hayoung, Ni-ki, Heeseung, Isla, and Lilabeth would become the closest friends. They would frequently play in the royal garden or play hide-in-go-seek in the library. The King and Queen found favor upon Caspian's kids. But as the war ravaged on, their lives and happiness seemed at risk. Innocent happiness couldn't last forever as Hayoung and Heeseung were no strangers to it.

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