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It was dinner time. Hayoung with her minimal cooking abilities was able to whip up a simple stew for the prince to eat. She diced up some fish, vegetables, and put it in a broth she had been cooking for a while.

"Your highness, it's time for dinner," Hayoung exclaimed walking to the deck. She had set up a small table on the main deck in which the prince would eat his meal.

"And how do I know it's not poisoned? Anyone would be willing to kill a royal of the Odessian family, captain," he was a little snarky with his response.

"Your highness, I can promise you that nothing is poisoned. I made the meal myself," she responded cooly, guiding Ni-ki to the table.

"But you basically hate me so why wouldn't you want me dead?" another snarky question from the prince. Ni-ki caught himself, realizing what he had just said. He pursed his lips from the surprise of his retort.

Hayoung's teeth clenched as she rolled her eyes while closing them, taking a deep breath and exhaling. "Your highness I can promise you I would never do anything to hurt you. Personal matters from the past have no place in this dire situation as I am prioritizing your life."

"Well, I'm not hungry so you can eat the food yourself," he said, dismissing her.

Hayoung sighed in frustration and walked down the steps of the deck, heading back to the helm of the ship. Jungwon was still sailing smoothly.

The prince continued to sit on the deck, hugging his right knee as he looked at the night sky. He could see the moonly clearly and the stars twinkling as the constellations reflected into the midnight blue ocean. He sighed to himself, "I can't let her get too close again. The excitement I felt when seeing her at the palace is something I should not feel nor let her see."

Hours passed as Hayoung checked her pocket watch. It was already one in the morning, the prince had not returned to his resting chambers. She watched him from the helm of the boat and decided to approach him once again.

"Your highness?" she questioned approaching him. The prince was fast asleep as she looked at him. Hayoung gently shook the prince, his eyes fluttering. "Your highness."

"What do you want, captain?" he yawned with grumpy notes in his voice, "I'm sleeping."

"Let's head back to your chambers, please," Hayoung exclaimed, "You need rest."

Ni-ki sighed as he got up and headed to the back of the boat. Hayoung escorted him back to his chambers as he kicked his boots off, flopping onto the bed.

"You can leave," he muttered, his eyes closed.

"Yes sir," Hayoung responded, blowing out the candle next to his bed and closing the door gently.

Hayoung slumped down onto the bottom of the closed door, sighing in frustration.

"What a pain in the ass," she grumbled to herself, "What a pampered brat. He still acts as if he's still a child."

Hayoung sat in front of the door on guard. Her feet ached after standing all day as she kept her eye on the prince. It was hard keeping awake as she was doing her best to stay attentive of her surroundings. But her brain was shutting off and her body was exhausted. She hadn't slept for four days so her exhaustion was taking a toll on her body. Before she knew it, her eyes closed, drifting away to sleep.


It was hot. It was so hot it felt as if fire surrounded Hayoung. She opened her eyes and flames surrounded her. The walls of the house caving in.

"Mom," she called out, "Mom? Dad? Where are you?"

Hayoung was panicking. Her house destroyed, her family missing. She shook in fear not knowing what to do.

"Heeseung?" She shouted, "Heeseung I need you. Where are you?"

The walls of the house collapsed as Hayoung crouched the ground, cowering in fear holding her legs. She felt the embers and the fire creep onto her skin, burning her. She sobbed loudly as she screamed in pain.

"Help me," she cried, her voice hoarse from the screaming, "Please, anyone. Please save me."

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