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Prince Ni-ki was still in the bunker despite the boat moving again. He was concerned and wondering what matters had occurred while he was in hiding. He hadn't heard such violent sounds or rapid movement, but felt his whole body trembling in fear despite not wanting to admit it. He sat in the bunker alone for hours, unsure of when Hayoung would let him out or if she was even okay. The prince curled himself in a ball hugging his legs, his forehead on his knees. The bunker was cold, the ground so hard his body ached. He had no idea what his fate was to become.

From a distance, Hayoung could see the docks of Aragon as the sun was going down. It had been hours since the Zrykonian ocean police stopped their ship, but Hayoung thought it was the safest option to keep Ni-ki below in case there was another unexpected encounter. The small crew had gotten extremely lucky that the Zrykonians were lazy with the inspection.

Finally she decided to check on him. She went to the prince's chambers, moved the bed, and the wooden planks that the prince was hiding beneath. As the light slowly peeked through the cracks of the broken floor, she crouched down and saw the prince in a distressed state.

"Your highness, the coast is clear," she informed him.

Ni-ki quickly sprung out of the bunker, grabbing onto Hayoung in what seemed to be an embrace. She felt his heart pounding against her chest as the prince held onto her tightly. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his back tightly in hopes of calming him down. They were silent, not a word to be spoken.

Minutes passed and she felt his heartbeat slow down to a steadier pace. "Your highness, is everything alright?" she asked softly, her arms were still around him.

"I thought something horrible had happened to you guys," the prince exclaimed, his voice breaking, pulling away from her. He looked into her eyes, "Why didn't you get me? Why did you keep me here for hours, captain? It's suffocating."

"Your highness, I'm sorry," Hayoung sighed, "I was only thinking about your safety. I didn't want anything to happen to you. You know you are the most important on this mission."

Ni-ki was holding her shoulders as he sighed and looked away from her gaze.

"God, this is suddenly feeling real. You like the possibility that I can die, people actually are after me if they see me, and we're getting closer to Eloria."

"Your highness, it's not going to get any easier," Hayoung said, apologetic and sincere with her tone, "But I will do all that I can to protect you. I cannot have your life at risk."



Hayoung and Prince Ni-ki thanked and bid Jungwon farewell as they led their horses off the ship. The days on the ship were long and unbearable so the two were relaxed finally being on solid ground. Though they felt as if they were still on the rocking boat as they walked, Hayoung and Ni-ki approached a town. They were looking for a stable where Pippa and Skipper could rest for a few days and an inn so the prince and Hayoung could rest. 

After paying and dropping the horses off in the stable, Hayoung and the prince ventured into town, seeking a place to stay for the night. A small inn with lively music coming from the building caught their eye. Walking closer to the sound they entered the Elderflower Inn. The inn was rather rowdy and full of energy as the whole first floor was a dedicated pub. The front desk was empty as Hayoung and Ni-ki stood there together, waiting for someone to come.

"Well this place looks good. We probably won't attract much attention because it's so busy," Ni-ki said softly.

Hayoung nodded her head. "Hopefully, there's open rooms for us. If not, we can always find another inn. It seemed there were a few around this town."

The two stood a few moments longer before they saw a lady holding a tray of beer walk to the front desk. She had curly red hair tied into a bun and wore a blue puff sleeve dress with a white apron.

"Welcome in, sorry for the delay," she exclaimed, "My name is Delanie. You guys look like you're out of town, aren't ya?"

Hayoung gently tapped Ni-ki's hand before he could say anything. Ni-ki looked at her, and then his eyes went back to Delanie. Hayoung shook her head "yes," notifying Delanie that they were both from out of town.

"Y'all aren't much of talkers, huh?" Delanie questioned the two only to get no response again. "Well, travelers, the inn is quite full. We only have one room left. Ya either take it or leave."

Before Hayoung could open her mouth, Ni-ki did.

"We'll take it," he finally spoke.

Hayoung's eyes opened wide as she stared him down. What on earth was this man thinking?

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