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Hayoung didn't stay long enough to talk to Ni-ki after the meeting. Despite having to be his escort and bodyguard, she needs a little more time to prepare herself to talk with him again. After all, it had been many years since she last saw him.

She left with Heeseung and Caspian, heading to Caspian's office on the Royal Naval Base. The family was still walking in the long corridors of the palace.

"Heeseung, why are you always being petty and embarrassing me?" Hayoung snapped, "You have done this so many times it's getting old."

"I am not embarrassing you, but you are disrespectful," Heeseung hissed, "You are one insolent-"

"Kids, enough!" Caspian's voice boomed, "I do not want to see you kids fight. You are way too old to be acting like this. How old are you two again?"

Hayoung and Heeseung's faces flushed with embarrassment.

"Hayoung," Serci's voice sweetly called as she jogged in the Marina family's direction before they could leave the palace.

"Cici," Hayoung turned around to face her, "I'm so sorry, I almost left."

"No, worries, I know a lot has been on your mind," Serci answered, gently reaching for Hayoung's hand, "Let's go drink some tea in my chamber. The princess already told me everything."

Serci looked up and gave a little nod to Caspian and her face turned rosy as she looked at Heeseung.

"Have a nice day you two," Serci exclaimed, toddling away with Hayoung.

Caspian let out a little chuckle as he grabbed Heeseung's shoulder.

"Oh, son, that one is so in love with you."

"You're crazy," Heeseung scoffed in disbelief.

"Trust me, when a girl is in love you can tell," Caspian exclaimed nonchalantly, "Don't waste your time and live a little. Or else, you're going to end up like me. A single, old man who's going to die alone."


Hayoung sat on a gold rimmed chair with cerulean velvet seating. She held her tea cup to her lips, floral aromas steaming from the cup. Hayoung's eyes observed the room. Everything was embroidered with shells and ocean flowers, gold and blue accents all over the walls and Serci's bed frame, a grand balcony outside the glass doors.

"Hayoung, I have to say you look worse from the last time I saw you. You look more exhausted and thinner," Serci said with concern, "Is everything okay with work?"

Hayoung sighed and gave her a weak smile, "You know how work is. Constant strategizing, sending troops here and there, deployment here and there. It's exhausting but it's my duty for this nation."

Generalizing her statements, Serci knew Hayoung wasn't going to over explain and detail her response to her. Hayoung wasn't going to tell Serci that she had horrible insomnia and wouldn't be able to sleep for three to four days. She hadn't been back home in months because she was at the naval base all the time. She couldn't digest food and would throw up every time she put something in her mouth. Hayoung was horribly stressed day by day and it wasn't going to get better being on this secret mission with Ni-ki.

"How do you feel about talking with your long-time nemesis?" Serci questioned changing the topic.

"It's not like that," Hayoung muttered, "We just distanced so much it's simply too awkward to talk."

Serci being Hayoung's closest friend, of course knew the downfall of Ni-ki and Hayoung's friendship. Serci was mortified when she heard what the prince said about Hayoung. Though she could not see herself in Hayoung's position, being a minority in Odessia, she felt her heart break for Hayoung. She remembered the day Hayoung withdrew from the academy, Serci cried for hours, but throughout the rest of the time she was in school, Serci would see Hayoung every so often.

"You're going to have to talk to him at some point," Serci exclaimed.

"I know," Hayoung let out a sigh, a spark of irritation present, "It's just going to be kept professional at all costs. I can't risk both of our lives and reminisce about the past, you know? I don't even know if the prince is capable of defensive or offensive combat."

"Well, I'm wishing you all the best and safety on your expedition," Serci said, her hand gently over Hayoung's.

"Oh Cici, I saw you looking at Heeseung again," Hayoung called out, Serci's face immediately turning beet red.


"Don't even try to defend yourself," Hayoung cut her off laughing, "I don't know what you see in him. He's been such a jackass my whole life."

"You're just saying that because he's your brother."

"How quick you are to defend him," Hayoung exclaimed, joking as if she were offended, "You know we're not even blood related. Our father found us together and he's my adopted brother."

"Well, he must truly see you as his sister and cherish you if he's willing to scold you," Serci said.

"Go talk to him," Hayoung exclaimed, granting her permission, "But only when I leave Odessia. I will quite literally gouge my eyes if I see you flirting with him."

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