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9 years later --- present day, year 853

Now 23, it has been 9 years since Ni-ki saw Hayoung. Prior to his fight with Hayoung, Ni-ki always dyed his hair blonde to blend in with the other Odessian civilians, despite his sharp features contradicting his true self. Part of him was ashamed to be half Xernian and wanted to avoid being outed as much as possible. But after his fight, Ni-ki had instant regret and guilt. He gave up dying his hair, surprising almost everyone to find out his natural hair color was black as charcoal. A part of him knew that he was doing this as an apology to Hayoung, but also a part of his ego was too prideful and never wanted to admit this was the reason why he was revealing he was half Xernian.

Hayoung dropped out of the Odessia Royal Academy quickly after her fight with Ni-ki. Caspian reluctantly agreed, but realized how much being in an Odessian school was affecting her mentally. She was often spending her time with Caspian and Heeseung at the Naval Base. Once she turned 18 she enlisted and excelled drastically in combat and sea strategization. At 23 years old, Hayoung Marina was Captain of the Odessian Royal Navy. Desperate times called for desperate measures and Hayoung was kicking every man's ass. She was on the navy's special forces unit before her promotion. She gained every man's respect as she was a proud Odessian, serving her country and determined that this would be the end of the war.

Over the past decades, there had been no progression in the war. Zyrkon was slowly entering Elorian territory. It was frightening to the rest of the unoccupied nations. Zyrkon's genocide of the other kingdoms was worrying the Odessians and Elorians, fearfully wondering if they would be next and how soon it would be.


"Your royal highness, his majesty, the king, is summoning you to his office," Winston, the palace steward, alerted Ni-ki.

"I will be there, thank you," he responded.

The end of winter was approaching, this year's more brutal than ever. Odessia was running low on supplies, citizens getting rations, but it was barely enough. This winter had the highest amounts of deaths and King Orion was desperate to help his people, willing to do anything.

Ni-ki stood in front of the ebony door, wondering what his father could want from him. Since his release from the Odessian Air Force, Ni-ki had been going all around the country doing charity work, bringing resources to the needy.

"Is it going to be another trip to the countryside? Am I being sent away? Surely father wouldn't do that now that Zrykon is getting close to Eloria," Ni-ki rambled in his mind as he walked through the long and wide corridors of the palace.

Taking a breath Ni-ki knocked on the door and walked in.

"You called for me, sir," Ni-ki exclaimed, his voice low.

"My son," Orion stood up from his cluttered desk and gave Ni-ki an exhausted smile. He had been up countless nights, finding ways to help the country. His bags were dark, aging him worse. "I wanted to discuss something with you. Take a seat."

Ni-ki nodded his head and sat in the sapphire blue, velvet, cushioned chair in front of his father.

"As you know, Oddessia isn't doing well. It's getting difficult for everyone. We're running out of resources. And you know the only reason why we haven't attacked Zyrkon yet is because we don't have enough supplies to win this war," King Orion sighed, "I've been writing letters secretly back and forth with the Queen of Eloria. We want to make an alliance, but we must unite our kingdoms as one."

Ni-ki's eyes opened, eyebrows furrowing in suspicion, "What do you mean by uniting our kingdoms as one?"

"Ni-ki, I'm so sorry," Orion was tired and bitter, "The Queen proposed a royal marriage to her daughter, Princess Isabel. With this marriage we can save Odessia and win the war. Ni-ki, you're my only son and our only hope."

Ni-ki was silent for a moment trying to process what he had just been told. Finally, he stood up and looked his father in the eyes. How pitiful and pathetic the king of a great nation appeared.

"If it will save Odessia, I will do it."

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