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"Captain," her fellow lieutenant, Sunghoon, called for her, "You're being summoned to the palace."

Hayoung looked up from her desk. Her desk was organized, stacks of papers strategically placed as she was creating plans for the attack on Zyrkon, to defend Odessian territory.

"The palace?" She looked up at him, "For what? The King hasn't called me in ages nor the Fleet Admiral."

"It seems urgent," Sunghoon said, "They sent a notice that you must be there as soon as possible. The lieutenant commander will be there as well."

Hayoung's eyebrows raised as she knew it was a big deal if her older brother was being called into this meeting. She began to walk to the door, exiting her office. "Alright, Lieutenant, come with me."


The bright, golden gates of the Odessian palace still shone as Hayoung remembered. Though it had been years since her last encounter with Prince Ni-ki, Hayoung had tried her best to avoid him at all costs. She had already left him in the past, with no interest in fixing their failed friendship.

Throughout her few years in the Royal Navy, Hayoung had been in the palace numerous times for celebratory promotions, meetings with officials, and events hosted by the king. Even so, she refused to be in the same room as Ni-ki and surprisingly barely saw him.

Hayoung's head was held up high as she walked in the corridor of the palace, her boot heels clicking against the white marble floors. Her many shiny gold medals and array of colorful badges laid across the right part of her chest from her achievements in the Royal Navy.

As she began to approach the door to the King's military strategizing office, she saw a small woman peeking through one of the hallways.

"I can see you, Cici," Hayoung said with a small grin, immediately calling her out.

Serci walked out the hallway, in a cerulean blue gown, her hair neatly styled with multiple plaits.

"Nice to see you Captain," she smiled warmly, engulfing Hayoung in a hug.

Hayoung hugged her back, for it had been a few months since she saw one of her closest friends. Serci's father was a high nobleman with connections with King Orion. Once Serci had graduated from university, she was immediately requested to the palace to become Princess Isla's lady-in-waiting. This remarkable opportunity was something that Serci could not refuse despite her desires to go into medicinal botany. It was an honor to serve the royal family.

"I hear there's some top secret, confidential, meeting occurring soon," she whispered in Hayoung's ear.

Hayoung let out a little giggle, "Don't worry, I'm sure you will find out once the meeting is over. Let's debrief and catch up after."

Serci let Hayoung go as she walked into the office. Walking in, she saw fewer people than she imagined: her father Caspian was there, her brother Heeseung, the King, the Queen, Princesses Isla and Lilabeth, and Prince Ni-ki.

"Pardon me for my delayed entrance, your Majesty," she bowed to the royal family and proceeded to take a seat next to Heeseung. Heeseung shot Hayoung a glare as she gave him a sharp tap on his shin with her foot.

"Not to worry at all," King Orion spoke, "Thank you for making time to come to the palace. I know it has been quite difficult with the war now."

Hayoung took a quick glance at Ni-ki. This was the first time in nine years since she last saw him. He certainly grew and looked more mature. She was even more surprised to see his natural hair color. For he looked completely different back when she attended school. She had always thought he was attractive, he somehow even got more as he grew up, but now wasn't time to give him any attention.

Ni-ki's eyes gazed upon Hayoung's as she quickly reverted her eyes from him. She looked more mature and exhausted. Her dark circles took over her face as it was clear she wasn't getting much sleep. Ni-ki also noticed her hair was a rather odd shade of brown. It had changed from her dark charcoal hair to a brown with strange tints of green. However, it was barely noticeable as she had her hair tied in a heat bun. Hayoung had a stern facial expression, looking even more intimidating from her exhaustion. It seemed that Hayoung's energetic spark from her youth was diminished for good.

"Captain Marina, I have called you today because we are sending you on a confidential mission. Very few people know about this mission, but it is for the protection of Odessia," King Orion said, "I am requesting that you escort my son, Prince Ni-ki, to Eloria."

Hayoung was silent as she waited for the king to continue.

"As you know Zrykon is coming closer to the borders. It'll be only a matter of time before they attack us. The Navy is strong, but to fight Zrykon and their progressive technology, we need to build an alliance. That is why I am sending Ni-ki to Eloria. The Queen of Eloria has set a proposal that in order to make an official alliance, Ni-ki will marry Princess Isabel."

Hayoung's eyes widened hearing the news. "Married, sir?" she questioned for confirmation.

"Yes, married. Once they are married the Queen will send troops and aid to help Odessia."

"Your majesty," Hayoung began, "Are you sure about this? Are you absolutely positive that the Queen isn't scheming anything? Do you swear she will not take over Odessia?"

"How dare you question the King," Heeseung interrupted, sharp with his tone, "His majesty has been contemplating for months, he would not make such a brash decision-"

"Now, Lieutenant Commander, do not worry, I just know your sister is concerned," King Orion exclaimed softly, "Hayoung, I know we must be cautious of everything but this is our best gamble to save Odessia and end the war."

"Yes, your majesty," Hayoung stood up again, bowing to the King, "To save Odessia, our victorious nation, I will do anything."

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