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"Well, this is it. Welcome to your new home," Caspian exclaimed, standing at the entrance of his house with Hayoung and Heeseung.

Hayoung and Heeseung peeked their heads into the house observing it. Caspian lived in a surprisingly big house for a single man. After Hayoung's physical altercation with the boy, the nuns and Caspian both agreed that it would be best for Hayoung to leave. She was silent while leaving the orphanage and wouldn't let go of Heeseung's hand. She seemed so small and frail to Caspian, but certainly had the spirit of a fighter.

Caspian gave the kids a nod of approval, assuring them they could step into the house. He walked over to the dinner table and had the kids sit down with him.

"So Hayoung and Heeseung, I will be taking care of you now," he exclaimed, "I'm still learning this new guardian-parenting thing as well so bear with me. I just want the best for you two."

And so, Hayoung and Heeseung were enrolled in one of the most prestigious academies in Odessia, the Odessian Royal Academy.


"Students, we have a new student today. Say 'hello' to Hayoung. She has come a far way, but will be glad to meet your acquaintances," the primary school teacher, Ms. Lena, announced.

Hayoung stood in the front of her classroom. Instead of the rags Caspian found her in, she was in a prim and proper uniform. Her hair was long and unruly, not matching the neat demeanor of her clothes. She glanced at the class quickly before putting her head down, her eyes meeting her feet. The children of Odessia didn't quite match Hayoung's sharp features and charcoal black hair. They all had round blue and green eyes, hair yellow as gold and - brown as chocolate.

Hayoung didn't say a word to the class as she had no idea what this strange lady was saying. As the strange lady finished talking, she pointed to the desk where the young 7-year-old would sit for the rest of the year. Following the direction of the teacher she found herself sitting in the middle of the classroom, surrounded by many, but felt so alone.

When the students were sent for lunch, the girls giggled and were braiding each other's hair in braid trains, the boys played tag and ran all in the courtyard.

Caspian, not really knowing how to parent quite yet, forgot to pack Hayoung and Heeseung lunch. Hayoung sat under a tree, anxious and hungry, longing to see Heeseung. How she wished this day would be over.

A girl came skipping to the lonely Hayoung. She was in the same class as her and just departed the braid train. She crouched down to Hayoung and handed her a wild flower she had found in the grass.

"Hi, I'm Serci, but all the girls just call me Cici," she introduced herself. Serci's eyes were sparkling green like emeralds and her hair was brown, in lopsided braids. "You're new, right? I've never seen you before. What's your name again?"

Hayoung was quiet, glanced at her and then went back down to the ground. Serci took a seat next to Hayoung and her small fingers ran through her hair. She slightly flinched when Serci extended her arm out, but proceeded to let her do her thing.

"Wow, I've never seen hair this color before," the young girl was amused, "Can I braid your hair?"

Hayoung once again didn't say anything and before she knew it, Serci was neatly plaiting her hair.

"What are your favorite things? I love my older sister, she's so pretty and smart. I want to be just like her! Oh- also, I love to play with dolls, the braid train, collecting seashells from the beach, bunnies, picking flowers, and... and- there's so many things I like, I can't remember right now."

A small smile crept underneath Hayoung's lips. This was the first time she smiled since arriving in Odessia. Despite not understanding Serci, she knew that this was going to be something special.


A young boy with a radiant smile was running around the courtyard premises with his friends. Now this boy was a very special child. He was the crown prince of Odessia, Prince Ni-ki. Despite his grand title, his identity was kept a secret and it would only be until he became of age where he would know his true responsibilities and duties to his kingdom.

Ni-ki had seen the new girl in class, and the 7-year-old knew that she was not from Odessia. For her looks somehow matched him being a mixed child. His father, King Orion, was a pureblood Odessian and his mother, Queen Felora, was a pureblood Xernian. Though he was so young, he was taught to embrace both of his cultures.

From that day on, Ni-ki was absolutely captivated by Hayoung. He didn't say a word to her, but would occasionally glance at her from a distance, sitting with Serci quietly as she braided her hair.

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