18 - All In

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I woke up the next morning on the living room floor, stiffer than hell. As I went to sit up I couldn't move, there was an arm draped over me. I knew who it was before I even turned my head to see Chris's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and content. The pictures from the box were still scattered all over the living room floor along with the empty bottle of tequila and the glasses.

What happened? Chris and I were looking over pictures, arguing over pictures...hell over everything and then we just kissed, which led to making out and falling asleep while making out. Who kissed who first...?

I easily got out from his grip and clutched my head when I sat up. I needed coffee and Tylenol, I really felt like I was hit by a truck, I hadn't felt like this in a long time. I hadn't been this drunk in a long time. Why did I keep tequila in this house, I knew it was an evil drink, I don't drink that stuff, because I do stupid stuff on tequila...case and point.

I started the coffee pot and grabbed the Tylenol from the cabinet.

"Did a truck take us out?" I heard the groggy voice approach the kitchen and I gave a small chuckle getting out extra tablets from the bottle.

"Coffee is on, and we can take these once coffee is done." I said handing him the tablets.

"Seriously...did a semi come through your living room?" Chris asked and I slightly shook my head.

"No, tequila came through my living room." I said and he groaned.

"Why did you have to pick tequila, you know what that shit does." Chris said and I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't affect you the last time we drank some, only me...I believe I was the one who skinny dipped at the after-prom house party." I said.

"But it was me who had to jump in fully clothed to get you out and get you home..."

"I believe you took me to your place that night." I said and he nodded.

"I had to! Your parents would have flipped." Chris said and I just shrugged.

"The past is the past."

We were silent as the coffee brewed and Chris sighed.

"Frankie, once we get coffee and Tylenol in our systems do you think we could really talk? I really did just want to talk like adults and not fight or have it be so one sided." Chris asked and I just sighed but gave a small nod.

"I think it's time and what's needed." I said and he smiled.

The coffee was finished brewing and I poured us both a cup. I slid his across the island once it was poured knowing he drank it black.

We sat in silence once I took a seat next to him at my kitchen island.

"Who should start?" I asked.

"I can, just trying to figure out how I want to start this." Chris said and I gave a small smile.

"Just whatever is on your mind." I suggested.

Chris took a deep breath, "I need to tell you a lot Frankie but I want to know you will listen to everything I have to say and not comment or yell. I just want to talk."

"You got my word." I said.

Chris took a few calming breaths, and I knew he was getting his words planned out in his head. "When we went on that road trip, I had a lot of plans for you and me. I never planned on sleeping with you at first and I need you to know that. When we started on the road trip my plan was to tell you how I felt about you and how I wanted to be together. Things got away from me though. When we did end up sleeping together, I knew I had you. I have told everyone I slept with you because I was just in the mood, and it seemed like what should have been done but in reality, I did it because I did have feelings for you. When we decided that night to be together, I was finally happy to have you in my life and in my arms, where I always felt you belonged." Chris started to explain.

I was just looking down at my coffee mug and I knew I was supposed to be quiet, but I had to ask, "Then why did you break up with me the next day?"

"That was exactly what I told you yesterday. After we left the hotel and reached LA everything hit me like a train. We were going to be going for our dreams and trying to make something of ourselves, I was scared. I was scared that if only one of us made it but not the other, neither of us made it or like now we both did. I didn't know how we would handle it and instead of just playing it out and seeing how it came about I became a coward and broke up with you before we could even begin. I didn't think you would end us all together, I didn't think you would end the friendship. I knew it would hurt and I knew I was being an ass by doing it, but I never saw us not being friends. I gave you time, I gave you everything, but I thought for sure you would come back but when you didn't, and I saw you at that party a year later I knew we both got what we wanted. I was so happy for you Frankie and I still am. When you won those awards, I was cheering so loud for you, I have every time you have won awards. You did everything you set your mind to. I know its late now to be making this apology for everything I put you through and you have every right to hate me. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am, and I would love it if we could try to get back even to having a friendship." Chris explained.

I sat there taking in everything he said as I felt a few tears slowly fall down my cheeks. I turned to look at Chris and he lifted his hand and used his thumb to gently wiped them away.

"I didn't want to make you cry." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I think I have just waited so long to hear you say all of this, it's been bottled up." I explained and Chris nodded.

"Chris, I'm so tired of not talking and I'm so tired of not being able to call you when I need a friend. I have needed you so many times since I got here, and I could never call you. Every time I thought about it, I would think about what you did to me and how you hurt me. I know now that it's still not okay, but I know why you did it and even though it seems like a crazy reasoning it made sense. I would love to get back to being friends Chris, it's not right us not being friends and I think we can start to work towards that again." I said and he smiled at me.

"You mean it?" Chris asked and I chuckled.

"I do." I said. I then sighed, "We need to talk about last night..." I said.

"Well obviously tequila is evil, we never drink it again." Chris said and we both laughed then gripped our heads.

"That is very true but the making out Chris..."

"Yeah, um...it was nice and something we should do again but maybe only if or when we agree if we want to be together." Chris said and I nodded.

"I like how you think we are already going to be getting together eventually." I said and Chris smiled.

"I'm hopeful." Chris said and we both laughed.

"Well let's try friends again, we have both changed and we have to learn about those changes." I said.

"We have and we do. I'm all in if you are." Chris said.

"I'm all in." I said and Chris smiled.

There was silence and I know I was going to hate myself for what I was about to do.

"There has always been one more thing I always wondered." I stated.

"What's that?" Chris asked.

"So, say we never decided to come to California all those years ago and we stayed in Sudbury, got jobs, all that...would we have been together as a couple?" I boldly asked. I knew my hands were shaking at getting a response. If he supposedly always had feelings I needed to know if he would have acted.

Chris blew out a big breath and ran a hand through his hair, I really didn't think it would take all of this to answer.

"If we had stayed home Frankie and never came to California..." Chris started and I watched him even though he wasn't looking at me. "If we stayed in Sudbury I would have asked you on a proper date eventually and we would have seen where that led." Chris answered.

I half nodded, getting the answer I always wanted to know.

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