Closet Fun

52 18 26

Ellison, Maryland

Bethany was bored out of her mind. Her friends were too busy, considering the fact it was a Saturday, so they couldn't come over to hang out. Sighing exasperated, she decided to take a nap. But, an idea popped in her mind.

"I can go in my closet and pretend I'm on an adventure!" She exclaimed. She walked in her closet, and closed it. She imagined herself on a ship on the ocean. She was steering the ship to places unknown. The waves started to get choppy as a storm was brewing. Dark clouds took over, and a clap of thunder, followed by heavy rain made for a reckless journey out in the ocean.

Bethany's imagination really got the best of her. The ship collapsed, and she fell into the ocean, when in reality, her mother opened the closet, and told her to come down for pizza.

Bethany's imagination was so overactive.

This story was written on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

A/N Bethany was having such a fun time on the ship, and what better place to let your imagination run wild, is to be in a closet!!! 😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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