Sorry Steven But It's Just The Way It Is! 🤣🤣

3 1 9

Stop and Shop

West St

Cromwell, Connecticut

Steven: *at the checkout aisle* Hey, you look beautiful!

Female Cashier: Thanks! *putting the items in a bag*

Steven: Can I get your number?

Female Cashier: Sure! It's......

Ken: Ma'am, don't date him! He'll break your heart!

Female Cashier: Okay, thanks for telling me! Have a good day! *smiles*

Ken: You too! Come on, Steven. *pushes the carriage with the bags of items*

Steven: Don't talk to me. *lips trembling*

Ken: I'm sorry, okay?

Steven: *storms out of the supermarket*

Ken: Steven, wait!!! *sighs and makes his way towards the exit*

This story was written on Thursday, May 23rd, 2024.

A/N Steven, sorry bro! It's just how it is!!! Don't be sad! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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