Happy 16th Birthday Pam!! Pt 2

6 4 12

Frank Pepe Pizzeria

Wooster St

New Haven, Connecticut

All Of Us: *eating our food*

Iris: They have the best pizza ever!

Me: For sure!

Kristen: New Haven is know their pizza! *eating her pepperoni pizza*

Me: *eating my meatball pizza*

Pam: *eating her cheese pizza*

Kyle: *barks like a seal*

Iris: Kyle, no!

Kyle: *still barking like a seal*

Iris: *uses her magic wand to create the time out box* Get in, Kyle!

Kyle: No, I don't want to!

Iris: Now!

Kyle: My food will get cold!

Iris: I'll have the waitress put yours in a box, now get in!

Kyle: *gets up from his seat, gets in the box*

Iris: *slams it shut, and locks it*

This story was written on Saturday, May 25th, 2024.

A/N Pam is enjoying her birthday at Frank Pepe's! 🍕😋 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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