Get Out Old Geezer!

4 1 11

Farm Hill Rd

Middletown, Connecticut

Barbara: *cooking English muffin pizzas*

Denise: Smells good! I can't wait till they're done!

Barbara: Me neither!

Timer: *goes off*

Barbara: They're ready! *puts on the oven mitts and takes out the English muffin pizzas, loaded with pizza sauce, cheese and pepperoni*

Old Man: *gray hair, gray mustache and long gray beard* What in tarnation is this garbage?

Barbara: Excuse me, but who the heck are you, and what are you doing here?

Old Man: You call yourself a cook? These look like beef patties that look ugly because they're not grilled!

Denise: Buzz off, you old goat face! Try one! They're English muffin pizzas, by the way!

Old Man: *tries one, and burns his mouth* Yow!!!!!

Denise: Oh I forgot to tell you, they just came out of the oven!

Old Man: Too hot!!!

Barbara: Go on, scram!

Old Man: *walks out of Barbara's house*

Denise: Is he a neighbor?

Barbara: No. If I ever catch him her again, I'm calling the cops! He's lucky I didn't pull on his beard!

Denise: He reminds me of the Monopoly guy kinda!

This story was written on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024.

A/N Get lost, old geezer! And it's funny that English muffin pizza burned your mouth! You should have waited till it cooled off! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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