Ken Beats Steven Up Out Of Boredom 😅😅😅😅

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Steven: *watching My Dog Skip*

Ken: I am so bored. Whatever will I do? Hmm.... *in deep thought*

Steven: *still watching the movie*

Ken: Steven, you got a minute?

Steven: I'm watching a movie right now. *eyes glued to the TV screen*

Ken: I'm very bored, so I'm gonna beat you up.

Steven: What?! I didn't do anything! I didn't eat your food this time!

Ken: It doesn't matter! I'm still gonna beat you up!

Steven: The heck you will! See this?! *holds pepper spray* Come one step closer, and I'll mace you!

Ken: *snatches the pepper spray away* Yoink! It's mine now!

Steven: Give it back! Now!

Ken: Just let me beat you up! I'm bored!

Steven: Then, do something! Beating me up is not the answer!

Ken: Steven, if you don't let me beat you up, I will beat you up!

Steven: That's cheating!

Ken: No it's not! *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Radio: *playing Good Loving Ain't Easy To Come By by Marvin Gaye with Tammi Terell*

Ken: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024.

A/N Steven, Ken was bored, so he beat you up!! It doesn't matter if you didn't do anything wrong or not! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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