The Inner Critic Is Never Right

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Inner Critic: Why do people write? It's a waste of time!

Shamar: No it's not. It's a creative outlet.

Inner Critic: Where are you from?

Shamar: Why?

Inner Critic: Just curious.

Shamar: I'm from Delaware. Why is that important?

Inner Critic: Connecticut isn't a good place to write stories! You know that right?

Shamar: You don't know what you're talking about.

Inner Critic: I do!

Denise: Cram it! You're never right!

Me: He thinks that writing causes thunderstorms to form!

Denise: That's not true!

Inner Critic: It is so!

Catrina: Do us a favor and scram!

Inner Critic: I'll be back!! "fades away*

Denise: My birthday is next Friday!

Me: Same day as me!

Shamar: Nice!

This story was written on Friday, May 24th, 2024.

A/N The inner critic is always wrong! Total garbage is what it is! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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