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Hey guys! I will be ending My Fictional Realm next Friday, May 31st, which happens to be my birthday, and starting a new short story collection next Saturday, June 1st! Shout outs go to ice_elizy prekshanagupta NehaBohra63 Ryan_Pearce Girl_That_Hopes Hitsyo Mr-President- That_awesome_fry CharisseEerie   and Ash_di_Angeloh avid supporters throughout this writing journey! What are your favorite stories? Mine would have to be Closet Fun, School Lunch Conversation, Matthew Loves To Tease Kristen, Steven You Blithering Idiot, Just A Weird Situation, Punching Bag Fun, Kristen The Pie Victim, Locking A Weirdo In The Closet, Kyle Shot The Ball Through The Hoop, Andrea Gets Taken Into The Time Out Room, Leave Our Cool Dude Friend Alone, Steven Eats Hot Tamales And Burns His Mouth, Writing In The Rain, Forgetfulness And Inner Critic Are Both Scared By A Big Thunder Clap, Ken Beats Steven Up Out Of Boredom, Santa Get Lost, Greta Whistling While Being Locked In A Suitcase, The Sky Has Been Painted Purple, Leave My Cupcake Alone Greta, Steven Can't Distinguish Fiction From Reality, Laura Has Got Style, Steven Makes Up A No Beating Up Zone, Subway Fight, Dude Are You Serious, Jessica Got Theodore Some Burger King, Marjorie Makes A Fish Face While Playing Piano, Her Big Day, Get Out Old Geezer, What's A Butler Doing Here, Kristen Goes Underwater, and Forgetfulness Sneaks Into The Movie Theater! More zany adventures for the rest of May! The inner critic did come at me at times! He always told me my May stories sucked! I asked him if he wrote that book yet and he said no! That always shuts him up! Stick around for for zany stories! ❤️

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