What's A Butler Doing Here? 🤔

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Ken: *putting some ham and cheese Hot Pockets in the microwave*

Butler: *thick butler accent* Sit down, sir! I shall serve you your food! *gray suit*

Ken: Make it quick!

Butler: *standing by the microwave*

Microwave: *done*

Butler: *thick butler accent* Dinner is served! *walking towards Ken, and "serves" him his Hot Pockets*

Ken: Thank you! I..... Wait a minute! I don't have a butler! What are you doing here?!

Butler: *thick butler accent* Just trying to be a good servant, sir! I mean no harm!

Me: *uses my magic wand to make the butler disappear*

Butler: *disappears in a puff of smoke*

Me: He came out of nowhere!

Barbara: That he did!

This story was written on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024.

A/N By joe, what is a butler doing here?! 🧐🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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