That's All Folks!

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We have reached the end of My Fictional Realm! We had quite some adventures throughout the month of May! Where to start? A girl using her imagination while in her closet, a decent school lunch conversation, Matthew teasing Kristen, weird and awkward situations at times, Steven asking Denise out in a date, and getting rejected, Denise having a heck of a time punching her punching bag much to his dismay, Kristen being a pie victim, a weirdo locked in the closet, Kyle shooting the basketball through the hoop and the Street Fighter Turbo cheer sound effect occurs, Andrea being put in the time out room by her mother, Steven eating hot tamales and burning his mouth, Dana writing a story in the rain, then getting beat up by the raindrops, Steven imagining Ken behind bars and gets beat up, Forgetfulness and Inner Critic being scared by a big clap of thunder, Ken beating Steven up out of boredom, Greta locked up in a suitcase by me and she's whistling inside of it, Ken beating up Steven after he got laughed at for tripping on their walk, Greta painting the sky purple, Laura showing off her style with thigh high boots, Greta and Erica having a Subway fight, Jessica getting Burger King for Theodore, a high school graduate in Georgia proud of her achievement, a butler serving Ken his dinner, and he doesn't even have a butler, Kristen on an underwater adventure, us celebrating Ariel's 17th birthday, us dealing with morning thunderstorms, Steven getting a tattoo against Ken's wishes, us celebrating Pam's 16th birthday, Forgetfulness sneaking into the movie theater, us at the Memorial Day parade, Kyle's behavior getting him beat up by his mother, Forgetfulness in trouble for reading Marjorie's journal, us dealing with a rude caveman, Ariel keeping me company, Steven accidentally stomping on Ken's foot during a dance and gets beat up in retaliation, a woman in bridal attire at Wendy's cause she feels like it, us at the rest area in Delaware, me and Denise's birthday while in Virginia Beach, and Steven's jealousy over us in Virginia for our birthday!!! So many May adventures! There were times when I just felt like giving up on writing because of that inner critic! He told me so many negative things! But I appreciate all the encouragement from you guys! Writing holds a special place in my heart! Thanks to everyone that supported me in this amazing writing journey for the month! What adventures await us for June? Well, stick around!! Byeee!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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