Subway Fight! 🤣🤣🤣

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Greta: I got the Boss sub!

Erica: I got the Subway Club! It's loaded with turkey, ham, roast beef, American cheese, and honey mustard!

Greta: Sounds mouth watering! I'll trade my Boss sub for your Subway Club!

Erica: No, you have your own!

Greta: Babe, it's a fair deal!

Erica: No way, sister! I paid for this sub with my own money! No trading subs!

Greta: Come on!

Erica: No!

Greta: I'm being kind here! Let's trade!

Erica: The answer is no!

Greta: You can always get another one! Now, hand it over!

Erica: Never!

Clyde: *concerned* What's going on?

Greta: Don't worry, Clyde! We're just having a fun Subway fight! It's nothing to worry about!

Erica: We're just messing around! We're good! *smiles*

Clyde: Okay.

This story was written on Saturday, May 18th, 2024. (Armed Forces Day)

A/N Greta and Erica are having a fight over trading their subs! It's all a joke of course!! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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