Forgetfulness Left His Wallet At Home

2 0 4

Burger King

East Main St

Meriden, Connecticut

Forgetfulness: I would like two Whopper Jrs, and a large drink.

BK Employee: Will that be all, sir?

Forgetfulness: Yeah.

BK Employee: $97.12.

Forgetfulness: Oh no, I left my wallet at home!

Harvey: You need to be more responsible!

Forgetfulness: What am I gonna do?

Harvey: I'll spot you! Just this one time!

Forgetfulness: Okay!

Harvey: You're welcome! *pays* If this happens again, you will get beat up!

Forgetfulness: *gulps*

This story was written on Friday, May 24th, 2024.

A/N Forgetfulness, make sure you have your wallet with you! That's very important! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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