Mourning Someone Who Is Still Alive

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A/N: Hii everyone! I also have this posted on ao3 so if you want to learn more about the contents, you can check the tags there. Thank you for reading ♥

Also, for reference: Rody and Vincent are the SAME age in this story.

EDIT: Added the tags I have on ao3 so everyone can decide whether this story is for them or not!


15 years ago.

At fifteen years old, Vincent was already a troubled individual. Growing up was confusing. Scary. Something that he didn't know how to handle, but was forced to.

Very seldom was he a child to break the rules. He tried to remain in line with his parents' desires, simply because it was easier than lashing out or being rebellious.

This morning, just like any other, he gets dressed to go to school and a deep frown appears on his face at just how unforgiving the temperature is. His hands are chapped from the cold, and so are his lips.

He tries his best to get dressed in the warmest clothing he has available, shrugging his schoolbag on his shoulder and strutting right on outside without bothering to say good morning to anyone.

When he opens the front door, he is harshly welcomed by the cold breeze lashing against his face-- but his sour mood instantly softens when he catches glimpse of Rody waiting for him by the porch.

"You didn't have to come in this weather."

Vincent tries to scold him, but he finds that he cannot do much to combat his friend's lack of self-preservation. Rody's freckled cheeks rise into a wide grin as he shakes his head, and the two boys' footsteps softly echo against the pavement below as they begin their usual route to school.

"What? And hang out with the others? Are you crazy? Absolutely not."

Vincent only huffs at the words, shooting his friend a doubtful glance.

"Why not? They seem to like you enough."

In reality, Vincent is insecure. He doesn't have any other friends besides Rody, while Rody has at least a few acquaintances he could choose to hang out with instead. Being left behind in the dirt and replaced by someone else gnaws at his teetering self-esteem.

No one at school likes him much. If he didn't have Rody, he wouldn't have anyone.

"Like me? Yeah, right. They just tolerate me."

Rody replies, wrapping an arm around the width of Vincent's shoulders as they walk side by side, that healthy glow on his cheeks present as ever.

"And anyway.. You're my best friend. You're the only one who gets me, you know? I have to pretend in front of everyone else all the time."

Vincent scowls, brows furrowed skeptically together. He can't deny he feels the exact same way. Though people might tolerate them both for some amount of time, they all eventually begin resenting Rody and Vincent after a while, making it very obvious how unwanted their presence is.

"Yeah.. me too."

There is nothing that brings people closer together than being equally disliked by the majority, deciding to find comfort in each other instead of conforming to the expectations of others.

It didn't matter how many people hated them as long as they had each other.

"Then stop worrying, idiot."

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