Peccavi Nimis

183 13 18

A/N: Peccavi Nimis = I have sinned beyond measure

TW: descriptions of dismemberment, vomiting, intrusive thoughts.

Hey, everyone. I gave Vincent's parents names here because they don't have any in canon as far as I know, just to make it more obvious who is talking and when.

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What is the best way to get rid of a dead body?

As Rody finds himself staring down at the creation of his own wrath, of his need for revenge, that's the only question that swirls within his mind.

Part of Giselle's skull has been almost completely liquefied as she lays dead at his feet, the rest of it gaping like a fruit left to rot. One of her hands twitches for a fleeting moment before it too stops baring any kind of motion, just like the rest of her still body. Post mortem spasms, he figures.

"We need to get rid of it," Vincent speaks up from beside him, surprisingly unfeeling considering what has happened. He was surprised upon first glimpse, sure, but he can't help his blatant apathy as he gazes down at the corpse staining the tiles next to his shoes. "Before rigor mortis sets in."

It almost takes Rody aback, how calm he seems to be with this revolting sight on display. Perhaps he wasn't the only one who wasn't okay in the head.

"W.. what should we do?" There is a tremor in Rody's voice as he manages to utter the question, his eyes wide and his bloodied hands still trembling with the adrenaline rushing through his veins. "Should we burn the body?"

Vincent finds it rather interesting. Rody has always had an affinity with anything that could be set aflame and, apparently, this instance was no different. Burning her remains was not a bad idea. However, there was a great risk she would be discovered or that the fire, unstable as an element, would spread too far and cause
collateral damage-- something that is best to be avoided.

He can't help but be reminded of minced meat as he wordlessly stares down at Giselle's corpse.

Minced meat.


A light bulb goes off in Vincent's head. His thoughtful gaze raises toward the door leading to the kitchen, eyes narrowing at the harrowing notion that enters his mind. He is suddenly reminded of the heavy metal door of the freezer located right beside the entrance to Rody's office-- or, more accurately speaking, he was reminded of the saw and meat grinder inside that cold, dark room.

Rody is looking at him with such hope in those pretty eyes of his. Waiting for his advice, for he has always been the voice of reason whenever he needed it before, even when they were younger.

He knows this could signal the end of Rody's life if anyone ever found out the truth. And he isn't about to let that happen. Although he'd rather have avoided this entire situation altogether, now it was too late for such thoughts. Now it was time for action.

He isn't going to let anyone take Rody away. He only feels somewhat alright being apart from him when he is the one having initiated it.

"We're going to cut it up with the saw and put the parts through the meat grinder." Vincent tells him, jaw clenching. "No body, no case. Nobody will be able to convict you of anything if there's no body, even if they do suspect something."

When Rody's inconsolable eyes turn to look over at Vincent for guidance, the younger man is staring right back at him with a strangely placid expression.

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