The Calm Before The Storm

194 13 17

A/N: Alright everyone, shit is about to go down. Buckle up, get your popcron because shit is about to get real!!!

TW: use of the f slur (censored)

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Vincent has always been a selfish individual.

He was taught from a very young age that, in order to get what he wants, he has to lie and manipulate his way toward it. Depending on who he was talking to, he'd craft an entirely different persona just to appease them in order to get his way; because it was simply easier to give people what they want.

He does feel some semblance of guilt for it. But at the end of the day, it's how he is. It's how he has been for a long time.

And people don't change. At least, not for the better.

Vincent has always been a selfish individual.

He wouldn't directly go out of his way to cause harm to the people around him, as he didn't derive any sort of satisfaction from that. However, if getting what he wanted meant trampling over people and manipulating the situation to his benefit, then he'd do it. It wasn't even a conscious effort anymore. It was second nature.

He wouldn't directly go out of his way to hurt the people he cared for. But, if it came down to it, he would probably sacrifice them to ensure his own survival.

If he wasn't selfish, then he wouldn't have left Rody behind back then. He knows that.

If he wasn't selfish, he wouldn't have only sought him out when he needed the man's help-- but see, he was far too cowardly to confront the consequences of his own actions, and only did so whenever it was absolutely necessary.

Vincent does love Rody. But would he put Rody over his own survival?

Even he isn't sure of the answer to that question.

He doesn't want to hurt Rody. Not now that he has found him again.

But if push ever came to shove, then Vincent knows that he wouldn't put what his heart aches for over what his mind tells him is the easiest way out.

He just hopes that it doesn't come down to that. He wants to do things right this time around. He hopes he can be happy with Rody this time around.

He has grown tired of pretending. Of lying. Of not being himself. Of having become a monster for the sake of his own personal gain. Perhaps there is a shred of humanity still left within him.

Perhaps it isn't too late for him.

Perhaps the love he has for Rody can 'fix' him.

"I can't believe the trip's already over.. I don't wanna go back. It was fun.."

The words make Vincent snap out of his stupor. He turns to look at Rody, who is lying down onto his stomach, splayed across their hotel bed with a pout on his plump lips.

His dark eyes soften at the sight of Rody's endearing expression, and he sits down beside him, lowering a hand to brush back a stray curl of auburn hair. A hint of playfulness lies within his tone when he speaks, memories of last night's shenanigans still fresh within his mind.

"Is what we did last night also part of this fun?"

He observes the way in which Rody's face goes up in flames, a small snort leaving him upon viewing the reddening of those freckled cheeks.

"Don't make it sound like we did something weird." Rody murmurs half-heartedly, bashfully averting his gaze off to the side as snippets of last night's fervent kisses perforate his mind. The taste of Vincent's lips. The warmth of his body. "It was just a little kiss.."

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