I Feel Like Someone Could Love Me

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TW: use of the f slur (it's censored bc I'm not comfy w writing it, but still felt like I should let everyone know)

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"Where are we going?"

Vincent shifts uncomfortably in the passenger's seat of Rody's car, heart pounding within his chest as he keeps glancing at him from the corner of his eye. Nervously, he glances at his watch. 11:15pm.

The vehicle glides across the road smoothly; a red mustang with a lovely beige interior and leather seats. The moonlight peaks through the passenger's half-open window, leaking down from the black sky above and lathering the land before them with a blueish tint.

When Rody had called him on the telephone after days of silence, Vincent had felt hopeful. Rody had come over to his house and picked him up in the car, before driving off with the promise of a surprise.

"You'll see. It'll be nice." Rody says softly, eyes pinned to the road before him, one hand on the wheel while the other rests idly against his lap after having put the gear stick into third gear.

Vincent only squirms in his seat at the vague words.

Admittedly, he's nervous.

"I thought you wouldn't want to see me again after.." He trails off, taking off his glasses and furiously cleaning the grimy lenses with the edge of his sleeve, needing something to busy his hands with.

"I thought I wouldn't want to either. But.." Rody pauses for a moment, sucking in a shaky breath. "I can't stand being away from you. Not now that we found each other again. These past few years have already been excruciating enough. I just.. want to enjoy my time with you. I've missed you. I've missed this."

Vincent's eyes soften at the confession. His tense muscles loosen up a bit as a colossal weight is lifted from his shoulders upon viewing Rody's tolerance of him.

"You don't hate me then, I take it?"

Rody can't help the small smile his plump lips peel back into upon discerning the slightest hint of playfulness in Vincent's voice. It adds a touch of levity to the tense atmosphere that had reigned inside the car since the ride started.

"Oh, believe me, I tried to. But I never did. Not even for one second."

The rest of the car ride is easy. Undisturbed, as the vehicle drives across the road to the calmest part of the beachside, where no people are currently around. The moonlight dances on the smooth water's crystalline surface and subtle ripples and the smell of seasalt only grows all the more apparent the closer they venture toward the sand.

The two men bask in a comfortable silence, both torn as they try not to reach out and touch each other. After all, Vincent doesn't want to distract Rody while he is behind the wheel. He waits until the car has slowed into a stop, gazing out the window at the way the tranquil waters wash up against the shore.

When Rody exits the vehicle, he swiftly follows suit, both curious and confused as to why he was brought here. He can't help but admit the landscape is quite beautiful here, however; with tall structures comprised of rock framing a beautiful sea and a starry sky.

"Been a while, huh?" Rody begins, a whimsical lilt to his voice. "Remember when I taught you how to swim? You were squirming around like a fish. You still know how to, right?"

Vincent frowns at the memory, not appreciative of his old friend's teasing. He tries to push forth a moody front, doing his best to ignore the way his ears burn in embarrassment.

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