I Don't Want To Feel This Way Anymore

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A/N: Thank you to the people who are liking, commenting and reading. Your support really means a lot ♥

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"I'm telling you, Vincent is such a gentleman. He wouldn't even touch me because he said he is waiting for marriage."

Manon's cheeks blush in a fluster as she sits in the midst of all of her girl friends, who are all engrossed by the narration of her date with Vincent last night. A few gasps echo within the living room of her home, along with a number of giggles as the women comment and converse with each other.

"He sounds too good to be true."

"Why do you say that? There are many men with traditional views still."

"Yeah, but how rare are they? Nowadays all men want is to get us in bed.."

They all are happy for their friend, really. Some encourage her, some advise her and some decide to tease her a little instead, but none of it is done with ill will. They knew how difficult it was for her to actually leave Rody, because she had loved him with her entire heart once upon a time.

It was just that that love had waned. She couldn't handle how overbearing he was, how protective, the way he would tear himself down just to see her happy. She could not get wed to a man like that.

Not all are happy for Manon, however. Amongst the group of women, there is one that is particularly bitter at the sight of Manon's joy with Vincent. Her face twists in disdain, and she does little to hide the jealousy swirling within her heart.

"I still can't believe you left Rody for a waiter." Giselle utters, her velvety voice full of nothing but scorn as she brushes back her blonde strands of hair.

The room goes silent as her pungent words echo throughout the four walls.

All heads turn to look her way, some shocked, some angry-- and then there is Manon's face right in the middle, fraught of nothing but guilt and sorrow upon hearing them. Giselle stares her down intently, the distate clear as day within the color of her brown eyes.

"I.. I didn't leave Rody for anyone." Manon mutters, voice barely above a whisper. She looks akin to a kitten whose fur is wet from the pelting rain, trying to seek refuge away from the harsh environment it finds itself trapped within. "Our relationship had gotten unhealthy and I happened to meet Vincent and the whole thing just happened on its own.."

The aura in the room shifts immediately. Fraught of hostility toward the one who made Manon's mood visibly deflate, all because she was too envious to be happy for her. One of the women brushes back Manon's brown locks, while another gently caresses her back to offer some reassurance.

"Giselle, that's enough."

"Don't listen to her, Manon."

"Jealous because Rody won't even look your way while Manon has two men melting for her, Giselle?"

That gets Giselle's blood boiling. She hates listening to their accusatory statements, because deep down she knows they are right. She had been eyeing Rody for a long time, before he and Manon even got together, but he had chosen her and Giselle never really stopped hating Manon for it.

The blonde stands up with an audible scoff, regarding the women seated before her with a derisive glare.

"How can you let them insult me like this, Manon? I'll let you know that I won't sit here and listen to their ridiculous accusations."

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