A Tribute to Death and Love

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter everyone.. I will be done with finals soon, trust! Also, thank you for over 2.4k reads and to everyone liking and commenting! You have no idea how much your support means ♥

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A bouquet of flowers arrives at the doorstep of Vincent's humble home.

Fraught of confusion, he takes the beautifully collected flowers from the delivery person who had brought them all the way and curiously reads through the envelope submerged amongst the petals when he is at last alone.

'I just wanted to cheer you up. I hope you're feeling better!

P. S: I finally developed the photographs from our time in Paris! I will send you the rest soon! - R'.

Vincent can't help but crack the slightest hint of a smile at the sweet gesture, even as he feels rather unfamiliar with the entire thing. He had never before been gifted flowers in his entire life, and it causes a small part of him to grow flustered.

He had been sick the past few days, despite it being the middle of summer, and wasn't able to show up to work. It was comforting to know Rody thought of him even when they were apart.

In the cradle of his embrace lies a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. A most peculiar choice. Vincent had often seen this type of flower adorning marble tombstones inside graveyards. A respectful way for loved ones to bid adieu to their departed.

He shakes his head. Rody probably didn't know any better and picked whichever flower looked the prettiest to him. It is still a lot more thoughtful than a standard bunch of red roses gathered together with a silk bow, so Vincent is inwardly thankful nevertheless.

Surely enough, inside the envelope is neatly tucked a polaroid photograph, peeking barely through the opening in the paper. When Vincent pulls it out, his gaze softens as he takes in its contents. It is one from their time in Paris, just like the note had said, the one which they had asked a stranger to snap.

They're both smiling, side by side, leaning against the railing of the bridge stretching across the width of the Seine River.

With a glance toward the clock, he lets out a heavy sigh. In just an hour, he and his parents would convene to discuss something his mother deemed extremely important. Though nervous, he could only hope that the outcome would be positive. If they wanted to disown him, they would have done so already.

Their inclination toward conversation can only mean well. Surely.

Vincent hasn't told Rody of this meeting yet, deciding to keep him in the dark. He's not sure why he can't bring himself to be honest with him about this. It's more so his intuition telling him to keep it on the low in case something unforeseen occurs.

He wants to protect Rody.

But, above all, Vincent wants to protect himself.

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His home is the same as he remembers, yet feels so foreign. He hasn't set foot inside the estate for more than six months, and the last time he was here, he was chased out of the house by his mother. Told to never come back.

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