The Red Means I Love You

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A/N: Alright everyone, this is gonna be something.

TW: use of the f slur (censored), VERY graphic descriptions of murder and violence, mentions of suicide, mentions of eating disorders, rody and vincent both being absolutely unhinged together. Does it count as gore? I genuinely do not know

I would also like to add that if you are eating right now or are easily queasy or far too young to be reading this, just skip this chapter. This shit can genuinely traumatize someone who isn't used to it. Don't say I did not warn you!

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It was a calm Friday night.

The bistro Rody had created was slowly taking the direction of a restaurant, working later into the day some days instead of early in the morning. The customers liked it, the staff was not opposed to it-- and Rody was very pleased with the results.

After the work hours were over, Rody locked everything except the front doors, closed most of the lights and patiently sat on one of the empty chairs, trying to contain how exhilarated he was for tonight.

Soon, Vincent would be back from the small store around the corner and they'd finally be able to spend some private time together yet again.

When the front door to the restaurant flung open, Rody was startled, turning around to catch glimpse of what he thought would be Vincent's face.

But it wasn't.

Instead of the beautiful man he was expecting, the person stood before him was an erratic and very irritated Giselle. It took a few seconds for his brain to process the image before him, but before he could even get out a word, the woman's palm collided with the side of his face in an aggravated slap that echoed all across the room.

"You sick bastard!"

Rody's ears ring. The sting against his left cheek makes the skin throb painfully, though Giselle is nowhere near strong enough to cause a person like him to stumble from a simple hit. Despite being slapped hard, Rody's body barely budges, save for his head turning to the side due to the impact.

"What the fuck is the matter with you?" He questions through a wave of indescribable rage, which he does his best to suppress. He doesn't want to put his hands on a woman, but this particular one is driving his patience into the dirt.

"Don't act all innocent, you disgusting freak. I saw you kissing him like-- like he was your girlfriend or something!" Giselle yells out, and Rody's blood runs cold. "I can't believe I was pursuing a f*ggot. I bet that's why Manon left you! She found out about your perversions, didn't she? I used to think she was dumb for leaving you, but now I just pity her! She never was with a real man to begin with! You're disgusting!"

Rody is taken aback by her hysterics. By her accusations.

He isn't sure what to say. He isn't sure what to do. This was something people weren't supposed to find out. This nutcase stalked him, no doubt.

He suddenly feels so small. Everything he's ever known is being called into question. His identity, his masculinity, his personality are all being called into question simply because he happens to feel the same way for a man as he does for women. He can't explain himself. It's not like Giselle, or anyone else for that matter, would ever be able to understand how deep his bond with Vincent ran.

To everyone else, all that he is would always be considered a revolting spectacle.

"It's none of your business what I do in my private life," He tells her, a tremor in his voice as he tries to keep his sanity in one piece. It feels as though earth has parted beneath his feet, dragging him down toward an endless abyss he cannot crawl out from. "It is my right to be with whoever I want!"

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