The Hand You're Holding Now

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"You understand what I want you to do, right?"

Yvonne nods her head, feeling both reluctant yet strangely determined. After she had found out about Rody's predicament regarding Vincent, she was more than glad to help. She could understand his pain and would try her best to lessen it, especially considering how much monetary aid Rody was offering to give her as compensation.

"Act like your fiancée to bait your stupid ex. Right?"

Rody lets out a small chuckle at her words, though the joy doesn't reach his eyes.

"Exactly. When we go there, you really have to tap into your role. I'll need you again on the night of the gathering, and that's it. After that, it'll go exactly like I told you. You will find some excuse and leave halfway through, take the money and train tickets, and you're free to go."

Yvonne hums thoughtfully as she listens to the plan, fixing the skirt of her blue dress. Though Rody's train of thought was sound and his planning rather concrete, she couldn't help but feel somewhat uneasy regarding the whole deal. Not because she was against pretending for a short amount of time, but because it was unsettling just how thorough and detailed this planning of his seemed to be.

Rody had even written it down for her in case she forgot anything.

In about a week, he would host a celebration inside his bistro, inviting very particular people from his past. He and Yvonne would pretend to be a couple who would soon marry because, as Rody had put it, it was guaranteed to lure Vincent right into his trap. At some point during the gathering, Yvonne would be made to excuse herself with the promise to come back, only for her to pocket the money and train tickets Rody had prepared for her and elope with Isabelle, who would be waiting for her right outside so they could flee the city.

It all sounded perfect in theory.

For some reason, however, she had a feeling that whatever Rody was preparing was probably not good.

It didn't make sense why he wanted her presence there only for some time during the gathering.

Wouldn't it be simpler for her to remain throughout the whole duration of the party and then leave?

This was just plain odd.

"And what about you?" She inquires, big brown eyes peering up at him through her lashes. "Sure, I'll say I have to run a quick errand or something as an excuse to leave, but.. what are you going to do then? Everyone is going to ask questions. And what about after everything? We will be lying to a lot of people. How will you tell them our supposed wedding is being called off?"

"Don't worry about that," Rody says simply, his gaze strangely vacant as he stares right back at her. "That's not your problem. I already know what I'll do. Besides, aren't you happy you'll get to run away with your beloved girlfriend?"

Yvonne's expression visibly softens at the mention of Isabelle.

Her lovely, beautiful, ethereal girlfriend. The thought of finally being able to be free with her was her only comfort during the entirety of all this. Isabelle was the only reason Yvonne was even entertaining this scheme.

The woman gives a small huff, turning her head away.

"It's not fair to use my weakness against me."



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