Meant To Be Yours

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you sm to everyone liking and commenting! Sorry I took a bit longer to update this time, stress and finals are beating my ass!
Regardless of that, I hope everyone is doing well and that you enjoyed reading. I always love everyone's input in this :)

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"I can't understand what is going on. Vincent hasn't been answering my calls these past few days."

Manon was devastated. Confused.

She felt as though she had done something completely wrong to drive Vincent away. She thought back to when she had offered to take things further together and was shut down promptly. Perhaps that is why Vincent hadn't been picking up the phone for the past two weeks now.

Perhaps he didn't find her attractive. Perhaps he had found a maiden fairer than herself-- and the mere notion caused her stomach to twist with despair.

Her pleading eyes stare at Giselle, who is sat across from her, hoping for some kind of answer. Perhaps an insight that she herself had overlooked. Her other friends were lovely and kind and reassuring-- but that would be of no help now. Manon did not want reassurance or empty words of comfort.

She wanted someone who could perhaps understand her situation better. To catch something she had not yet noticed.

Although Giselle was blunt and downright rude at times, she was capable of offering the very same thing Manon needed right this moment; the cold, hard truth. That is the reason she asked to meet alone with her, with nobody else present.

"Maybe he left you because you already gave him what he wanted." Giselle tells her, her porcelain skin tainted by the distasteful frown her features have twisted into. "If you let him use you at the first given chance, then you shouldn't wonder why he's no longer answering your calls."

"But I didn't, I swear! We didn't do anything. We just cuddled." Manon cries, her mind in tatters as she tries to make sense of the situation.

Briefly, she wonders if Giselle's words have some truth in them. Maybe Vincent was put off by her eagerness for physical intimacy because he was, as he had put it, 'traditional'. She thought that he would be open to ideas like most men were, but wishes now that she had kept her mouth shut instead.

"But I.. I did tell him that if he wanted to, I wouldn't mind."

"Then there you have it." Giselle says with a scoff of derision, fixing her coiffure in her small, compact mirror. "He probably thinks you're easy and do this with any man you come across."

"I would never do that!"

"Well, I know. But that's just how men think. You should know these things by now."

Frankly, Giselle had grown somewhat confused as well. Not because she actually cared for Manon's mishaps, god no. Rather, she was troubled due to how similar their situations were.

Rody had also not been answering her calls whenever she would try to reach out to him. The contact had been going well, and she was even hoping to soon get a date with the man, but two days ago all contact was completely cut off. When Giselle had gone to the bistro for clarification, the staff there told her that chef Lamoree would be gone for the next two weeks, as he was on vacation to a destination they could not disclose for obvious reasons.

That annoying waiter of his was nowhere to be seen either.

How peculiar.

"Will you be able to come at the same time tomorrow?" Manon's quiet voice arises all of a sudden, pulling Giselle out from within the clutches of her thoughts. "The others will be here too."

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