I'm Glad I'm Alive

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Thank you sm for 1k reads!

This one MIGHT hit a little close to home for anyone who isn't neurotypical :')

Also, I don't know when I will be able to update next. Might be a few days like always, might be longer. Nothing is set in stone. My finals will end during late June, so I will be occupied with studying for the most part. I will do my best to keep writing, however.

And just to let everyone know, this story is not over nor will it be forgotten! Take care ♥

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Being someone important was still not something Rody had grown accustomed to. He probably never would.

During the time in which he and Vincent were getting all dolled up to attend the culinary exhibition Rody had been personally invited to, there were myriad instances where Rody felt like he couldn't do it

It was a scary thought. Being around all these people he didn't know. Having to pretend to be this completely other person around them. It was mentally draining.

He isn't sure how he would fare if he were to go all by himself. But having Vincent on his arm gives him a strength he very much was in need of. He didn't want to be the only one out of place, standing alone while everyone else seemed to be acquainted with each other already.

He always had trouble understanding how people work. The procedures it took to appear 'normal'. The process he had to undergo in order to be accepted by the majority. They always realized there was something different about him and distanced themselves after due time, so what was the point?

He received congratulations for ideas that weren't his own, for recipes that weren't his own, and all he could do was nod along with a fake smile plastered to his face like a curse. He was never seen. Never heard.

"Want to get out of here?" Vincent expelled close to his hair when he caught wind of how overwhelmed his companion seemed to be. It seemed as though the only time Rody could decompress was when they were alone together.

Rody nervously licks his lips at the words, glancing down at the watch wrapped around his wrist. The time read 10:40pm. They had already stayed for more than two hours. This should be enough, right? He just wanted to go somewhere quiet.

"Yeah.. we've stayed long enough."

In a way, Rody felt insecure. Here he was, dolled up in a burgundy suit he only saved for rare occasions, his hair slicked back, appearing like a serious, yet charming businessman to everyone but to those who truly knew him inside.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was better like this. If Vincent liked him better like this.

He knew he could be annoying. Clingy. Too energetic, or too quiet. His laugh was too loud, too obnoxious, his jokes weren't funny. The way he had acted tonight was a direct contrast to how he usually is-- and people loved it. They 'loved' him; the person he was pretending to be.

Life would be easier if he was just normal. If he wasn't childish. If he wasn't so affectionate. If he was just like everybody else.

All he wanted was to go back to the hotel. To take off this mask, to take off these fancy clothes he had paid way too much for and recharge under the covers of his bed until the next morning rolled around.

He really wasn't cut out for this social life.

"Rody? Is that you?"

Rody's entire body went rigid at the sudden call of a feminine voice from behind him. Not necessarily because someone else wants to talk while he is completely drained of energy, but because he recognizes that shrill voice very well.

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