[Author's note, please read.]

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Hello, everyone. I really did not want to make an entire chapter dedicated to this, but at this point, I feel like I have to. I've ignored this for too long.

I mean this in the most respectful way possible. This is a message to the very few people who think it is humorous to comment what I "deserve" for writing things that are too sad for them, which feel like borderline threats.

While I understand you're trying to be funny, I can assure you that you are not. You are just making me not want to write ever again and, on top of that, making me feel very unsafe. Writing is supposed to be my safe place. Not this.

If what I write isn't for you, I respect it wholeheartedly. We cannot all like everything. You can simply click off.

And if you simply want to express how sad something I've written makes you, there are better ways than writing these disgusting things in the comments.

I will no longer tolerate any comments of that nature and will simply delete them. I am not an outlet for your frustrations. I can write whatever I want at the end of the day.

It does not cost a lot to be respectful. I try my best to be respectful to every commenter that takes the time to share their thoughts about my story, but this is something I am under no obligation to tolerate.

If this behavior persists, I am simply not going to finish the story and will not interact with this fandom again.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you understand.

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