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Amidst the quiet, moonless night in the Naniwa ward of Osaka, the last few white-collar workers began to clock out, gradually thinning the crowd on the streets by around 8:40 pm. Some lingered behind to indulge in drinks or cigarettes, while others headed home after the end of Golden Week festivities. As holiday tapestries, artwork, lanterns, and holiday decorations were taken down, the atmosphere returned to its usual calm.

After celebrating your promotion to Brand manager at h.NAOTO, an unconventional fashion line popular around Japan, consisting of gothic, punk, and alternative. You spent your evening out hanging with peers from work, around Tsutenkaku, the colorful marketplace and attraction of Naniwa. Although it was Tuesday– around eight o'clock, the group began to disperse, each member content with the evening's festivities.

"I can't believe you already got promoted after only one year, you're seriously cool sis." Aya ちゃん、one of your corporate peers and whom you'd consider a trusted associate ever since you began undercover work in Japan, complemented casually.

Your cheeks warmed with a blush. "Oh, it wasn't easy. Lots of overtime shifts. Just trying to secure that citizenship, ya' know," you replied, shaking your head and hands.

"Well, hard work pays off. Let's keep giving it our best, Aya smiled before pausing, "I was thinking, we could make a band with our karaoke skills."

"Whaaat, are you drunk or crazy?!" You laughed and repulsed your head back in surprise.

"Just kidding, but do you ever think about what fame would be like? Even just a rush of it?"

"Hmm..not really." You mused with a smile.

Aya's chit-chat faded to the background for a few seconds while you glanced down at your phone. The time's tone cast a pale light on your face, both metaphorically and quite literally. Suddenly, you remembered something important. "Oh shoot, Rio's gonna give an earful. I completely forgot about the rendezvous at 9:00" Your thoughts raced, a mix of adrenaline, stress, and the remnants of the Red Bull you'd downed earlier. You mentally calculated the time it would take to get there from Tsutenkaku.

You heard your name echoing at the side of your head

Aya tilted her head with a slightly curious look.

"Ah-- no, sorry, Aya I completely forgot I gotta run! My elderly neighbor is in the hospital, and I have to check up on his dog." You swiftly yet softly interjected, as your eyes imposed the truth, but it was only a little lie.

"Oh okay! Take care, okay?" Aya nodded once in understanding and you both bid farewell for the night.


You wasted no time and made a hasty movement towards the designated hideout.

Your senses heightened with each passing moment. The minutes seemed to stretch on endlessly as you made your way, every second feeling like an eternity. "Only 3 more blocks, alright."

Your senses are amplified on your approach closer. With each step you took, the tennis shoes on your feet that produced a dull thud, and the rough fabric of your baggy stylized pants rustled against each other in friction. You were acutely aware of the small business owner closing up shop on the corner, the sound of his keys jingling as he locked the door. Passersby on the sidewalk glanced your way, before looking ahead.

It's important to pay attention, everywhere.

There it was.

The building, nestled amidst other small to medium-sized commercial structures, blended seamlessly into the surroundings. Once a laundromat, the building had transitioned into an office advertising socks on the outside. Its exterior revealed little life, with laboratory-like lighting providing a stark contrast to the darkness outside.

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