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First lesson of the Day
January three, 1974
7:00 am

Severus walked into class, charity talking his ear out. "Anywaysweshouldtotallybepotionspartnerstoday-" charity was cut off by Severus huffing and then sighing, "Fine, fine. just don't talk so much charity your gonna rupture my eardrums." Severus complained, glaring at the brunette.

"Yes! suck it Regulus- I mean- Yay!" charity says grinning from ear to ear, the Slytherin rolled his eyes. taking a seat at the back of the classroom, charity next to him.

"Good morning everyone! I'm guessing we're all well rested?" slughorn asks cheerfully. God, Severus couldn't figure out how he was so bright and cheerful AT SEVEN IN THE MORNING.

The marauders walked in minutes later, James's eyes scanning the room before they landed on Severus. he nudged Sirius who had a small grin, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking prongs?" sirius asks, James
smiled from ear to ear, "Ofcourse." James said, Remus glanced at the two of them huffing. "No. you two are not gonna annoy snape." Remus sighs, James pouted "But- Moony! we won't be able to get his attenti-" James was cut off by Remus glaring at him.

"No." the brunette says, as he sat down at the other end of the class, Sirius sitting next to him.

Middle of potions class
8:30 am

The class goes by rather slowly, Honestly, James and Sirius didn't really care. they'd rather annoy Severus.

Severus couldn't help but roll his eyes at the Marauders' antics. He ignored them and focused on his potion instead.

As the lesson progressed, the two Gryffindors grew bored and started throwing tiny pieces of parchment at Severus. He ignored them at first, but as the pieces of parchment got bigger and harder, he couldn't help but lose focus.

Finally, he had had enough. He turned around and yelled at James and Sirius, who were currently snickering in the back.

"Can you please stop throwing things at me?" Severus said annoyed at the two Gryffindors.

"We're just having a bit of fun," James laughed, throwing another piece of parchment at Severus.

Severus stood up, his face turning red with anger. "It's not fun, it's distracting," he fumed.

Remus looked up from his potion and frowned. "James, can't we just focus on the lesson?" he asked, trying to diffuse the situation.

James shrugged. "I suppose so, Moony," he said, turning his attention back to slughorn who wasn't paying much attention since he was helping another student

The rest of the lesson passed without incident. Severus was pleased that he was able to complete his potion without too much interruption.

As the class ended, the Marauders hurried off to their next lesson, Severus sighed in relief, charity groaned. "Merlin they're annoying, i swear sev just give me the signal and I'll smack them into next year" charity joked, trying to make Severus laugh.

Severus chuckled, rolling his eyes at the Gryffindor.

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