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A/N; okayy I'm back, I'm so so sorry for the late upload so as a sorry gift here's an extra long chapter, I will also be uploading every Thursday and sunday^^

The Slytherin dormitories
January four, 1974
8:30 am

Severus woke up, his roommates bickering. "What the hell are you two yammering about this early in the morning?!" the Slytherin sat up, snapping at his roommates. "Well- Mulciber started it!" His roommate, Avery complained. Severus buried his face into his pillow, throwing whatever he could get his hands on blindly towards his roomates

"Aye! No need to get vio-" Mulciber was promptly cut off, getting hit by one of Severus's books. He let out an offended, hurt sound. Severus smiled into his pillow. "Serves you right dick'ead." Severus says, his raspy and tired voice being muffled by his pillow.

The Slytherin dormitories
January four, 1974
10 am

Severus sat up on his bed, head throbbing like shit. "Fuckin' 'ell..." the Slytherin muttered, a hand rubbing his eyes, he didn't realize when his body decided to place his feet on the floor, the fluffy carpet hit his feet as he stood up, almost collapsing on the spot. He held onto the wall, supporting himself as he stumbled to the medicine cabinet.

Fuck, he didn't wanna go to madam pompfrey to bother her with a silly little thing like a headache, he opened the cabinet, reaching for medicine or something. anything to help with his splitting headache. he picked up a bottle, it looked like it was medicine so he didn't complain, he opened the bottle taking all of it like a shot.

Immediately, he felt repulsed and wanted to throw up. he grabbed onto the sides of his bedside table, squeezing his eyes shut as he swallowed the awful liquid. he barely made it into bed before he collapsed, the soft sheets and mattress underneath him as he crawled under the blanket. He was so fucking cold.

Just then, his  two obnoxiously loud roommates walked into the room, laughing and talking so loud. so so loud. he covered the blanket over himself, covering his ears with his pillow. It wasn't much of a difference but it was still better than nothing.

Mulciber and Avery looked at their roommate covered head to toe in his blanket. Their loud voices quieting down. "Uhm? Snape? You alright?" Mulciber asked, sitting down at the edge of severus's bed. "Barely." the Slytherin croaked out, coughing just a second later. "I- you should really go to madam pompfrey y'know." Mulciber says, as he pulled the blanket off Severus's face.

"Ugh. You don't get it, I don't wanna bother madam pompfrey with this. It's just a silly little cold. I'll be fine." Severus sighs, madam pompfrey could be dealing with better things than worrying about his stupid cold.

"That is her job severus. C'mon. We're taking you to madam pompfrey." Avery coaxed the Slytherin, helping him sit up. Severus rubbed his eyes, Glancing at his roommates he glared at them."No. It's just a cold, it'll heal." the Slytherin stubbornly said, leaving his roommates no choice...

except to pick him up and drag him outside their dormitory, ".'Ey! Let me go or I swear to god I'll kill both of you I'll do it I swear!" Severus yelled, he didn't like being over Mulcibers shoulder like he weighed nothing.

It wasn't like he was underweight! (He is.) This was so humiliating, Luckily no one was in the common room. But ofcourse that's where Severus's luck ends because as they reached the halls they were filled with people.

The Slytherin groaned, trying his hardest to just disappear. That didn't work so he resulted to the next best thing. Burying his face in Mulcibers back, trying to pretend like he didn't exist.

And oh god. Ofcourse the marauders were there! Gods could his day get any worse?! He heard their stupid obnoxious voices. (Mostly Potter amd Black) He missed reggie. He missed being able to walk.

"Mulciber let me down!" the Slytherin demanded, his throat hurt. He wanted to crawl in a hole and die. He was so fucking embarrassed. Mulciber ignored his demand as the two other Slytherins marched towards the hospital wing.

As the three reached the hospital wing, Avery opened the door, Mulciber walked inside. Severus was still dying from embarrassment as madam pompfrey walked up to them. "Oh dear, what happened?" Madam pompfrey asked, thinking that the marauders played another cruel prank on the boy.

"Severus is sick and he didn't wanna go here because he didn't wanna 'bother' you." Mulciber said, letting Severus down from his shoulder. Severus glared at him, "I did not! Snitch." Severus says, mumbling the last part loud enough for Mulciber to hear. the other Slytherin glared back at severus.

"It isn't that bad madam pompfrey. I just- I'm just- I just have a headache." Severus says, trying to stifle a cough. madam pompfrey raised her eyebrow.
"I have a hard time believing that Mr snape. How about you go sit down on a bed, Have you eaten yet?" Madam pompfrey asked, looking at the Slytherin boy.

"I- uhm..." Severus trailed off, looking down at his feet. "He hasn't." Avery chimed in, madam pompfrey nodded, "I'll give you some medicine after you've eaten something. will one of you fetch some food from the kitchens? I'm sure the elves have made Atleast something by now." madam pompfrey says, looking at Avery and Mulciber.

The Two boys nodded, Quickly walking out of the hospital wing and towards the kitchens when they were interrupted by no other that Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and James Potter. "Where are you going?" Sirius asked, looking the two Slytherins up and down.

"None of your bloody business Black." Mulciber sneered, earning himself a harsh slap from James. "Considering the fact that it involves snivellus I think it is our business." James snaps, glaring at Mulciber and avery. "Tell. Us. Where. You're. Going." James says  his voice cold

Mulciber glared at him, not wanting to say, Avery glanced at Mulciber before speaking. "To the kitchens. we were told by madam pompfrey to get some food for Snape." Avery says, glancing at the three marauders.

Sirius looked at James,"scram. we'll bring the food ourselves. Got it?" James says, Mulciber and Avery hesitantly walked away

(Think of Hermione granger from manacled vs draco Malfoy from manacled, size difference. Sev is scrawny asf mans is malnourished)

ANYWAYSS next update Thursday xx

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