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January nine, 1974
11:30 pm

"You shouldn't hurt him." ??? said, James huffed, "Yes we know ??? We won't hurt him." James says, annoyed at the fact that ??? thought they would hurt snape.

??? handed them a letter, James grinned taking the letter. he opened it and placed it in his robe, "Thank you." Remus says, the three Gryffindors shaking hands with ??? before they all left.


Free period
January three, 1974
9:00 am

Severus was walking to the quidditch field to read in quiet, he glanced over his shoulder and spots the marauders coincidentally going in the same direction as him. the Slytherin scoffed and rolled his eyes, fastening his walking pace as he prays to Merlin that they weren't actually following him.

The Slytherin lightened up when he saw his bestfriend, "Lils!" Severus called out to the redhead, Lily turned around giving Severus a smile, she started walking towards him but stopped in her tracks when she saw the marauders glaring at her.

The redhead gave Severus a nervous smile, before turning around and walking away quickly. The Slytherin's eyebrows furrowed, not understanding why Lily left, he huffed before continuing on walking to the quidditch field convincing himself that Lily just remembered she had something to do.

As students cleared the halls (Including the marauders who disappeared out of nowhere, it relieved severus greatly) Severus finally reached the quidditch field. glancing around he decided to settle down next to a bench, luckily the weather was kind to him, it wasn't scorching hot. opening his book bag, he grabbed his old and tattered potions book.

Severus internally screamed when he saw that his ink was running out meaning he'd have to spend the rest of his money. He huffed before pulling out his quill and started correcting some of the recipes on his book, that he hasn't corrected until now.

The bench creeked and a shadow covered Severus's book, the Slytherin looked up and saw regulus. he smiled, "Hi reg." Severus said, his eye's softening at the younger Slytherin. "Hi Sev, I thought you needed company" Regulus smiled, "I didn't but thank you anyways." Severus says, going back to his book, Regulus on the other hand just watching him.

The younger Slytherins hand intertwined with the olders, Severus had a slight smile on his face as he kept on writing. Meanwhile, three Gryffindors hid underneath one cloak no less than ten feet away.

the Three Gryffindors stared at the pair in shock, "The hell?- is snape fucking dating my brother?" Sirius muttered, his eyebrows furrowed and his face hardened. "Well, i think the better term is Fucking-" James started to say before he was smacked on the back od his head by Sirius.

"I swear to Merlin Prongs-" Sirius warned, glaring at his bestfriend who was rubbing the back of his head, "shut it you two." Remus scolded annoyed, James huffed "Moony sirius is the one who started it!" James complained, to which sirius decided to respond "what?!- your the one who brought up snape fucking my brother!" sirius protested before the two Gryffindors were both smacked at the back of their heads.

"Both of you stop it!" remus snapped, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood like a Father unimpressed by his sons. "But he started it!" the two said at the same time,

"Well I'm ending it!" Remus says, annoyed. "If i hear another word from the two of you I'm taking away your brooms."

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