The Slytherin dormitories
January five, 1974
3:40 am

Severus rummaged through his trunk, trying his best to be as quiet as possible as he tried finding clothes he could stay warm in. As the Slytherin rummaged through his trunk a sleepy Mulciber looked down at him from his bed.

"Severus what are you doin' exactly?" Mulciber mumbled, as he got off his bed, feet hitting the fluffy floor. He knelt down against Severus who looked up from his trunk.

"I'm trying to find clothes cause I don't want Regulus to try and bring me shit because he honestly looks like shit himself." Severus says, Folding some of his clothes before clutching it close to himself as he searched for his shoes, he took his shoes and then walked out the dorm.

He made his way out of the dormitories and out of the dungeon, glancing around before placing on his shoes and running at full speed towards the hospital wing, Hoping again that he didn't run to anyone.

He almost slipped on the floor, Slowing down and panting. He was out of breath, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He looked up and his eye's widened.

There right infront of Severus were the worst people he couldn't seen at night. James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. "Going somewhere snivellus?" James asks, tilting his head as he bent down to be eye to eye with Severus who was still bent down.

"Yeah... To the Hospital wing, What's it to you Potter?" The Slytherin asked coldly as he glared at the three, He stood up straight trying to look as intimidating as a sickly pale boy can be.

Sirius snickered softly, "Well, You better watch out yeah? Break up with my brother while you're at it, we wouldn't want anything bad happening to you or him." Sirius says before pushing past Severus, James did the same and so did Remus, albeit he kinda just went around Severus.

The Slytherin boy scoffed to himself. "Unbelievable..." He muttered before going about his way to the Hospital wing once again, He didn't wanna see those jerks again. Gods did he hate them.

As he walked into the Hospital wing Severus noticed Regulus stirred up. The younger rubbed his eyes before glancing up at the other. "Sev...? What're you doin'?" Regulus asks, his eye's scanning Severus's face with such a softness that Severus felt he'd melt on the spot.

".'ts nothing reg, don't worry." Severus said softly, he watched Regulus's every movement. Regulus shifted slightly, giving Severus room to lay down. Severus laid down next to Regulus, Their bodys were smushed together and, The two boy's wouldn't have it any other way.

Regulus wrapped his arms around Severus, pulling him closer. Severus buried his face in Regulus's neck, kissing it softly as he hummed a song his mother used to sing for him. He could barely remember the lyrics but the melody was engraved in his head.

He hoped this moment would never end, wanting to cuddle with Regulus until they mold together, even on this cramp, thin and uncomfortable bed they still found a way to be comfortable next to each other.

The cold winter air from outside seeped into the Hospital Wing, The two barely felt it, too engaged in eachother. The warmth of the two bodies heated them both up as they fell asleep the cold air not at all bothering them.

Three Gryffindors huddled in a cloak watching the two. Their eyes darkened, Oh how blissfully unaware those two were... They had no idea what was coming.

A/N: updates will unfortunately be slower again:[[ (If that was even possible with my messy schedule and laziness) I'm so so sorry to always keep you guys waitingggg I hope you have a wonderful day And I'll try to write more often !!

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