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The hogwarts kitchens

January four, 1974

11:30 am

The three marauders walked into the kitchens, elves looked at them curiously, some went back to preparing food for lunch because it was in thirty minutes. James  didn't pay any mind to them as he grabbed an apple and some left over shepards pie.

He placed that on a small plate as he walked out with Sirius and Remus, The three gryffindors walked to the hospital wing talking loudly with each other. They entered the hospital wing to be met with surprised looks from Madam Pomfrey and Severus. 

"Mr Potter, Mr Black and... Mr Lupin, what are you two doing here?" Madam Pompfrey asked, the surprise clear in her voice. James chuckled at Madam Pomfrey's surprised tone.   "Oh. Mulciber and- and uh Avery asked us to bring Sniv- I mean Snape's food here." James said before he was elbowed by remus. "ow!" James muttered, Glaring at his friend. Madam Pompfrey cleared her throat. "Well then, you can place the food here and you can go back to whatever it is you were doing earlier." Madam Pomfrey says,  trying to hide the shock in her tone. 

James nodded, placing the food onto a bedside table. Severus glanced at the food. "I'm- I'm not hungry..." Severus muttered, James scoffed. "We didn't poison it if that's what you're thinking Snivellus." James huffs, glaring at the sick slytherin.

Severus hesitated before reaching out for the apple. He took a hesitant bite of it, It was crisp and juicy and Severus was so thirsty. "Fuck- we forgot water. Hold on-" Sirius was cut off, "No... Its fine." Severus said quietly, "No its not-" James was cut off aswell, "Don't  worry, I have some water here. You three can go. I can handle this and right now Mr Snape is in no condition to have visitors." Madam Pompfrey said strictly, James huffed before slowly leaving the hospital wing with Sirius and Remus.

"This is so unfairr" James whined, Remus rolled his eyes. "If Snape doesn't want anyone there we have to accept it. It's not like he'd be jolly seeing us there." Remus said sarcastically, Earning a glare from the other two gryffindors.

"Remus!" Sirius whined, Remus huffed grabbing their wrists and dragging them away from the hospital wing. "This is soo unfair!" James says, sirius agreed. Remus sighed. How could he ever be friends with these two idiots?

"Lets go you idiot twats. I don't wanna be late for potions. And I don't think you two should be late either considering you two are on the verge of failing if it wasn't for me helping you two with potions." Remus says dragging them into the potions classroom. Remus sat down, James and Sirius behind him. Students started filling the room.

Lily sat next to remus. "Hi Remus." Lily said quietly, "Hi Lily" Remus said, Professor Slughorn walked into the room. "Okay, today you're gonna..." Professor Slughorn said, James was spacing out, Thinking about how their Severus was sick. He was probably being visited by Regulus Black, Just the thought of that slytherin made James scoff softly.

Sirius glanced at James. "You alright prongs?" Sirius asked quietly making James snap out of his thoughts. "Oh, Uh yeah." James says, paying attention to professor Slughorn again. Sirius kept glancing at his boyfriend every now and then.

As potions class came to an end James started packing up his things, Sirius doing the same. Remus was busy talking to Lily as They packed up their things. James's mind was still on the slytherin boy who was sick in the hospital wing.

A/N: Okayy a bit of a short chapter todayy I'm so sorry but you guys got more posessive marauders, Next chapter is going to be fluffy starprince ^^

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