A/n: 1k word chapter woohooo I had time to waste its not my fault💔

Potter manor

april six, 1974

11:30 am

Severus tugged on his chains, tears brimming his onyx eyes as he desperately looked for a way out, he'd been stuck here for Merlin knows how long. He couldn't take anymore, he missed Lily and- and Regulus... Oh god how he missed his reggie... His heart broke at the thought of the other searching frantically for him everywhere.

Severus whimpered softly to himself, He wanted out. And now. He glanced at the chains, they were sturdy and tight around his wrists, he normally wasn't chained to the bed like a bloody dog but he already tried escaping twice. The marauders didn't trust him.

He slumped back down on the bed, slowly losing hope on ever getting out of this wretched place. It was no use to beg Potter's mum for help because she supported whatever James did which was absolutely awful. He hoped they'd move to the Black manor soon... He knew Walburga would atleast help him get out of these chains...

Severus knew there was no hope waiting for his Reggie because it seemed like he was never there in the Black manor. It was confusing since Regulus was always there for summer break but whenever they move manors to get a change of scenery Severus never saw Regulus, like the other boy just disappeared which was weird because he knew Regulus would search everywhere for him.

The door creaked open, Severus's heart dropped down to his stomach.

The hospital wing

January five, 1974

11:30 am.

Severus sat up, rubbing his eyes and feeling the loss of Regulus's warm body next to him. His sleepy mind didn't register Regulus wasn't there as he reached out for the other blindly a hand wrapped around Severus's. Severus foolishly thought it was Regulus's.

"Reg?..." Severus murmured sleepily, as his half lidded eyes looked at the person next to him. A voice chuckled, it was feminine and soft. Confusion washed over Severus as he saw a flash of redhair. He removed his hand from that mysterious girls hand, rubbing his eyes before looking up again.

A red hue coated Severus's pale cheeks as he realized it was Lily. "Oh... Hi Lils..." Severus murmured as he finally started becoming aware of his surroundings, he wanted to go back to sleep but the blankets were thin and it was cold as fuck.

"You're shivering." Lily commented, Severus nodded, the cold winter air seeped in from the outside into the hospital wing unfortunately. Lily glanced before gesturing Severus to move over. The slytherin boy was confused but followed what the gryffindor girl said, moving over to one side of the bed.

Lily got in, The two of them fitting comfortably in the bed, Severus sighed softly, eyes becoming droopy as Lily cuddled closer to the Slytherin, Severus buried his face in her redhair, smelling the familiar scent of some fruity shampoo she hasn't replaced for as long as Severus could remember, the nostalgia warming his heart as he drifted off. falling asleep with the Gryffindor girl in his arms.

A\N: Guys dw they're totally just friends... (Eyeing my 'minor Severus Snape/Lily Evans' tag on ao3👀)

Potions class

January five, 1974

11:30 am

James was barely paying attention to professor slughorn, his mind on another Slytherin. Particularly the one in the hospital wing. He glanced around the room, he couldn't see Evans anywhere. Normally he could see the bright red headed girl chatting away with Snape who was busy writing down notes.

It seemed like she skipped this class or something... Worry filled his eyes as he remembered his poor Severus trapped in the hospital wing, especially on a day like this where it was cold as fuck out. He impatiently waited for this horrid class to end so he and Sirius could sneak into the hospital wing to watch over their Severus.

Unfortunately, Remus didn't wanna join them, something about having important things to do. James and Sirius were pissed at him. What was more important than watching over their Severus?? Assignments be damned. 

James huffed softly, fixing his glasses as his cheek rested underneath his hand, He wanted to see his Severus and soon. As the class came to an end James wasted no time and started packing up his things. He moved swiftly and packed up everything under a minute, albeit not neatly and he risked some of his ingredients spilling but who cares? He can buy more but right now he has other prioritys.

He grabbed Sirius's wrist, dashing out the classroom. He wanted to get to the great hall, eat and then head his way to the hospital wing and that'll be hard if there are crowds. He pushed his way past the other students, Sirius followed closely behind him as they got into the great hall, James sat down at their usual spot, They could see the Slytherin table from here, and they could see Snape from this spot as He usually sat near an exit incase of a prank from them.

Even though Snape was in the hospital wing James continued to glance at the Slytherin table, wanting to see the Slytherin there, talking to his friends or eating. As almost all the students gathered in the great hall they all started eating, James ate quickly but not quick enough to raise suspicions as to why he was doing so.

As Sirius also finished his food, James grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the great hall, They'd brought the invisibility cloak with them in Sirius's book bag, James pulled it out, glancing around to see if anyone was around. When the coast was clear he placed the cloak over to two of them before walking to the hospital wing.

A few students walked past them but James and Sirius payed them no mind, their only thought on Severus as they walked quietly to the hospital wing. They could see it in the distance and quickly walked towards it, Madam Pomfrey walked out of the Hospital wing, leaving the door wide open, Sirius and James slipped into the room.

Their eyebrows furrowed and their eyes widened at the sight infront of them.

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