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The hallways

January four, 1974

four pm.

As soon as classes ended Regulus ran straight to the hospital wing, worried beyond belief. His boyfriend was sick and he only heard about it through his awful brother who was talking so loudly?! Regulus practically slammed the hospital wing doors open, Ignoring the heads that snapped towards him as he worriedly looked through the beds his eyes finally landing on his boyfriend.

"Sev! Are you okay?" Regulus asked worriedly, sitting down next to his boyfriend, cupping the Slytherin's cheek in his hand as he examined his face with concerned eyes, looking for any bruise, injury, or any sign of something happening to him. "I think he's burning up." Regulus panicked looking at Madam Pompfrey with pleading eyes.

Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes, "He's fine Mr black, I just checked his temperature minutes before you came in." Madam Pomfrey says, Regulus looks at Severus before back at Madam Pomfrey. "How many minutes?" Regulus remarked, worried eyes looming over Severus like a hawk.

"Ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago," Madam Pomfrey replied, That didn't ease the Slytherin's concern but he accepted the answer anyway. A hand gently rested on top of his and Regulus turned and saw his boyfriend leaning into his touch, That made his heart melt and he smiled softly at the other. Regulus leaned in and kissed Severus on the forehead, whispering soft words into his ear.

Severus smiled weakly, soft onyx eyes met Regulus's own. "I love you," Regulus muttered softly, His forehead against Severus's own. "I love you too," Severus whispered back, Regulus chuckled, his eyes scanning the older's face before pressing a kiss to Severus's lips. Severus leaned into the kiss, kissing the other back.

As three familiar Gryffindors walked back into the hospital wing, they froze as they saw Severus and Regulus kiss. James's eyes hardened and a dark look spread across Sirius's face. Only one thing in their mind...Why the fuck was Regulus Black kissing Their Severus?

Remus was slightly less jealous than his friends. A cold look spread across his face instead, hating that Regulus was there instead of them. "I'm gonna fuckin' kill him Moony," James whispered, starting to step close to the couple. Remus grabbed his hand, giving James a warning look.

"Prongs. It's not worth it... Just let it go, we'll find another time to get revenge." Remus whispers, dragging the two Gryffindors away as he walks back to the Gryffindor common room. Leaving the couple alone.

Regulus hadn't noticed the three Gryffindors, way too focused on his boyfriend. Severus sat up, burying his face in Regulus's neck.

"mmh, Missed you reg..." Severus muttered softly, closing his eyes as he inhaled Regulus's Cologne, Trying hard to melt into the other.

"We saw eachother yesterday sev" Regulus chuckled kissing the Slytherins neck, humming softly.

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