Chapter 6: Goliath's Chambers

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Chapter 6: Goliath's Chambers

Elyro woke up in a prison, he was tied up in a chain, a pair of his wings is missing and he was bleeding, his cell and the chains are made out of enchanted steel that's hard to break, he looked around and there were traps everywhere.

On top of his cell have giant crossbows pointing at his cell ready to shoot, underneath his cell has magma and pointed limestone, his cell is surrounded by giant spiders that roams around, he tried to break the chains but it didn't work.

He gathered himself and held it together, he then unleashed a blast of divine energy and infernal flames. It was enough to blow up the chain that tied him, but not the prison itself. He then channeled the power of heaven and hell and the power of twilight magic, he then roared with his might, it then created a powerful explosion that broke half of the cage.

The cage regenerated. He then summoned his sword, he unsheathed it then swung it in the cage, the temperature from the sword melted the metal bars and prevented it from regenerating, the traps were set off and the crossbows around it started shooting a barrage of arrows at him.

Elyro then let out a blast that deflected the arrows in other directions, injuring the nearby giant spiders near his cage. The bell alerted the guards of his escape, he then regenerated his pair of wings he lost. Lots of giant spiders with human limbs for legs, with a dragon head, and a scaly body started coming out of the holes inside where his cage is located.

He then unsheathed his sword and fought the creatures, he looked for an exit then he saw an opening on top, he was then shocked to see that ruble started to fall on the opening, he now knew it was a trap, the creature were pouring everywhere. He then channeled heaven and hell and twilight and let out a big blast that exploded the entire place killing the creatures.


"Sir don't you think it's concerning how Elyro hasn't showed up in like three days?" Gatnos replied.

"Thenerum i kinda agree with him. Elyro hasn't shown himself in three days and it's getting concerning since he's one of the most powerful fighters at our disposal." Titanus said.

"It is indeed concerning.. Maybe we should check up on his home or the training camp where he always hangs out. I am even concerned if he didn't succeed in the angel's mission." Thenderum said.

The three started their search for Elyro, they didn't know that the Great Nephilim had trapped him in his prison.


Vyron's pov:

Where's this kid?? He hasn't showed up in three days.. did he fail to complete the mission that the angel of death gave him? Was it all a trap?

Vyron's mind was filled with concern and worry.. Zyra tried to comfort him and told that maybe the quest is hard and takes long and that he should worry because Elyro is strong.


Elyro finally found a giant hallway, there's  giant doors that lead to rooms but one got his attention, a dark acacia door. He opened the door and saw his wings that got cut off, it was inside a glass case, he then saw potions, strange objects, syringes, and other things related to experiment or rituals.

He then saw log books written by someone. The book's title was "Demonic Virus using the blood of the tri hybrid." Elyro was shocked about the title and opened it. There he saw an attempt of a new sickness that could coat the world in darkness. He then took a knapsack from a nearby shelf and put other samples of this sickness, he then took the book containing the information.

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