Chapter 20: The Battle of Inazuka

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Chapter 20: The Battle of Inazuka


The shadow monarch gripped the realm cutter sword tightly giving it energy, she then poured her will power to it and slashed empty space creating a portal that leads to a world unseen by many.

A portal appeared to a place called Inazuka Residence, the portal appeared almost dark as hell's deepest layer. The portal grew in size which shocked the local folk and made them cower in fear, the shadow monarch came out first with her armor soaked in purest darkness holding her dark shadowy staff that commands all the shadows.

"My child! See the work of your faith on me, see the beauty of this world that your faith has given! Let us work together and fully conquer this world so that it will be ours!" The Shadow Monarch said to his servants.

The shadow knights, shadow dragons, the abyssal hound and other creatures from the umbavian realm have begun marching and killing the nearby life forms that block their path. Some warriors called samurai tried to fight but fell and turned to a shadow which made their army strong.

A nearby angel heard and saw the portal of the shadows, the angel then followed the army of darkness. The angel was tempted to fight but seeing the numbers of enemies he would lose so he sent a messenger dov to the castle of light.

The shadows saw the dove flying and tried to attack; they then saw the angel trying to fly away from them and the dragons and hounds chased him. The dragons began shooting purple flames at the angels and the shadowrath began shooting dark energy.

The angel decided to pull out his divine sword with glowing ethereal light. He then struck the shadow dragons and the abyssal hounds killing them instantly, he then summoned a portal which shot sharp and deadly spikes killing a lot of shadow creatures.

The angel then looked at the portal and it kept growing larger and more enemies came out of it.

"Quite a performance you put up there Regnorum Portalias! Not bad for the guardians of the realms." The shadow monarch said.

"Why are you here, Regina Vocrodis?!" Regnorum asked.

"You don't know?" Vocrodus asked.

"Don't know about what?" Regnorum asked.

"I Regina Vocrodis, hereby declare war against this world!" She replied while pulling her sword made from darkness.

"Your plans of taking over this world have been known for a long time now, the heavens have prepared for this moment." Regnorum said.

"Are you sure about your decision to fight me?" She asked.

"Indeed, as an angel it is my duty to protect the creation from your mischief." Regnorum said to her.

"If that's what you choose then I will show you my might." Vocrodis replied.

The shadow queen then raised her staff then black skulls started raining from the skies, Regnorum then summoned a portal which sucked the skulls in, he then created another portal and it started shooting divine stones at the queen hitting her body parts.

The queen then plunged her staff into the ground creating a domain of eternal darkness, he then unleashed a blast of light which stopped the spreading of darkness that can corrupt anyone.

The queen then used an ability called dark step which allowed her to teleport everywhere, she used this ability to knock Regnorum into the ground which ended up creating a big explosion that wiped out the nearby shadow creatures and the nearby vegetation.

The queen then raised her hand and created a giant purple ball of darkness that can corrupt anyone and everything, the queen then dropped it at Regnorum which hit him. She then burned the area with black flames followed by a scream of the Umbravians making sounds to overwhelm him.

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