Chpater 14: The Ambush

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Chapter 14: The Ambush.


In the umbravian strong hold… There was a group of human hostages trapped in prison, then a door opened revealing a female figure, wearing a crown never seen by men for many years, it has long hair with purple hues, she wears a dress that has gold and silver in her shoulder combined, she wears a belt made out of skulls from her previous victims.

She then approached the cages with individual prisoners on them and demanded their crafts to be used on something, something sinister. She approached the blacksmiths and weaponsmiths brothers first.

The two of them then looked at her with fear in their eyes, fear that they felt everyday when she approached them.

"Is the Realm Cutter ready?" The shadow queen asked.

"N.. n.. no." The weaponsmith said with fear.

"It's been five whole months, whole months! And you haven't finished the weapon! Have you ever made any progress in making the weapon at all or have been lying to me that you made progress on the weapon but in reality there's no weapon that's made?!" The shadow queen asked furiously.

The brothers started feeling even more scared and sweats dropped from their body nearly making their clothes wet.

"Please… please… have mercy. We have a shortage of ingredients, we haven't created the weapon because of that." The blacksmith pleaded with tears.

"Give us another day, weeks or even months please!" The weaponsmith said to the queen.

"Why do I see crushed metals and broken realm gems on the very corner?! And why do I see a little hole on the walls? Were you trying to escape?! If that's the case then you leave no choice but to feed you to her." The shadow queen said to the two.

"No! Please! It's not what it lo-"

Before the weaponsmith could ever finish his sentence, he was stabbed by the queen's claws in the neck while trying to utter the words. The blacksmith then looked at his brother's dead body in tears and tried to fight the queen and then he ended up suffering the same fate as his brother.

"Guards! Take their bodies and feed them to the Umbravious Crabs. I am gonna find Roger to be my new weaponsmith." The shadow queen said.

She then walked towards the door and left the slave room, the other humans trapped then sighed in relief not knowing that the queen would be back sooner.

After they opened the door, they then raised their weapons after seeing jack.

"Put your weapons down, there is no need for violence. I am here to settle an alliance and deliver information." Jack said.

"What information do you give?" Vulcan asked.

"It's the emperor trying to hunt down that "Tri-Hybrid" of yours." Jack said calmly.

They then lowered their weapons and they let Jack in and closed the door.

"So what do you have for us?" Thenderum asked.

"The emperor has gone on a conquest for power. While I was in the house of the emperor, I stayed on top of a tower and caught a bat and infused it with my consciousness and made it watch everything. I waited for what felt like minutes and their meeting had begun." Jack replied.

"What was the meeting all about?" Shadowflame asked.

"It was about capturing the Tri-Hybrid. When I woke up from my slumber I heard them talking about financials, and other things about economy and weapons then they switched their topic about the Tri-Hybrid. They swore to seek him and take his power for their own. If they ever find out that he is here then they will launch an attack on this place." Jack replied.

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