Chapter 13: Angel of Beasts

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Chapter 13: Angel of Beasts

"Who are you?" Elyro asked.

"I am the Angel of the Beasts. My job is to keep these ancient creatures from causing any troubles to humans and other living things, especially you. I keep this creature asleep and prevent them from waking up." The angel of the beast replied.

"What is your name then?" Elyro asked.

"My name is Talia Tranquilis. You must be the tri-hybrid, what are you up to?" Talia asked.

"I am looking for the flower called "Zentaria Bloom" which can restore any limbs and reverse any effect of a poison, venom, and a curse." Elyro replied.

"And why do you need it exactly?" Talia asked.

"To cure a friend who got defeated by this mutated serpent from that tallest volcano while rescuing my long lost sister. But I killed it, so mission success." Elyro replied.

"Oh the serpent emperor's son.. be careful with your actions nowadays. The wrath of the serpent emperor is upon you. If you don't kill him soon enough then he will take over your body and claim you as one of his. Now let's get this flower and kill that serpent emperor before it gets you." Talia said.

The two proceeded to fly higher in the mountain. Meanwhile Valerious went to the Holy Archives and met the angel of knowledge there.

"Valerious, what is it you seek?" The angel of knowledge asked.

"Do you know what these rings are? I fought with the false king's servants Zyra and Ilior and they used this and suddenly their powers are combined. Have we seen this type of equipment before?" He asked.

"Fusion rings? Its been 5000 years since anyone used them and when two figthers use them until now… where did you find these?" The angel of knowledge asked.

"Withering heights. I also overheard a conversation on top of that mountain while climbing there. I took peak and.. i saw them and a shadow of some sort with red particles around it." Valerious replied.

"What did you hear? Please, I need exact answers." The angel of knowledge asked.

"We in hell have begun constructing and raising an army for the preparation of my return and bringing forth a new war. I want all of you to retrieve the key of the inferno. The key that opens the gate of hell that's found not so far from here. Once you find that key, come back to this place and my spirit shall guide you there. This is what I overheard and the voice seemed similar to either Zalkael's or the False King." Valerious replied.

"Seems like their planning of retaking the world after the ancient fighters have died of old age, then there's a word about the key, then building an entire army. They're on to something.." The angel of knowledge said.

"What do you mean by something?" Valerious asked.

"They're going to find the two pieces of the key, reopen the portal, unleash the entire army, and plunge the entire universe in darkness. Not only does the shadow realm break a part of reality and make a portal to the world of living but hell will be opened soon if we're not quick." The angel of knowledge said.

"We should inform the others about this and request a meeting in the throne room. And also take the rings, I'll be with you during the research." Valerious said.

The two agreed to study about the rings and their properties and how they could improve it, they also planned to locate a piece of the key to hell to at least prevent or slow down Zyra and Ilior from getting them. The two angels also took their time to gather warrior ranked angels for an ambush to one of those areas which is Terra Auria.

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