chapter 2.

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Meghan's pov.
It's this week, my wedding is this weekend but Jake is not answering my calls. I have to go with him to choose the cake but I ended up going with Amanda instead. His penthouse is closed he is not around this makes me wonder if he is really safe.

I decide to text him.
Meghan: Jake I have been calling you where are you? Why don't you pick up my calls ? Am damn worried about you.

Jake: ohh hey babe. Ahh am at a friend's beach house we decided to have a bachelor's while week party Soo that's why .

Meghan: you would have called me . I was worried sick.

Jake : okay

Okay , that's it that's what he is going to say. Jake doesn't behave like this I am very sure he has never behaved like this in his life.
I move to the sitting room where I find my mom taking tea.
" Mom the tea smells nice did you just buy it?"

" Yaa , a friend from Paris gave it as a gift. Where is your useless fiancee?"

" Mom, he is not useless"

" Well ofcourse he is . He has no reasonable job, and he has not helped you with anything concerning the wedding. Are you perhaps marrying your self?"

" Mom"

" Meghan , darling you know I love you dear and I always want the best for you but you are still young why do you rush to marry mostly with someone as unserious as Jake. It will hurt me alot if he breaks your heart and make sure to tell him I will kill him myself."

" Okay mom"
I love my mommy and I know she wants the best for me but I love Jake and he loves me too that's what matters now. I leave the sitting room. Am going to see my wedding designer today but Jake isn't around I guess I will just pass via Jakes apartment grab one of his suit for the designer to use for his suit.

I hear a beep on my phone. Looking at it and its my cousin Jeff . He wants to video call me.
Meghan : hey Jeffy.

Jeff: hey baby girl, you look a bit skinny is it better of the wedding?

Meghan: well half of it

Jeff: am flying back to the city tomorrow I want to attend your wedding on the weekend. I want to see how my lovely cousin will look like in her special day.

Meghan:ohhh thanks Jeff , but I have to go now a few days are left before my wedding am extremely busy. I got to go bye. Love you.

Jeff: love you to sis.

I start the engine of my rover and roll off to Jake's penthouse.
Entering Jakes penthouse is very easy because am the one who gave it to him as a gift and the hotel belongs to my family too. My dad gave me the penthouse as a place I can always relax when am stressed and my boyfriend needed a nice place to stay so guess what I don't use it because when ever am stressed I go to Huawei for vacation. Now Jake live here , I sometimes forget it's my penthouse.

I pick one of Jake's suits and head to the designer to make a perfect black and white suit for my Jake. I want everything to be perfect since many people will be watching the wedding . I have no room for mistakes. Am so busy that I barely sleep . Same with Amanda . I think I should take her for a pedicure after the wedding. It sure will calm her nerves.

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