chapter 9.

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Meghan's pov:
I know horse back riding, I did it a couple of times at home when I was younger. So it was a bit easier though I fell a couple of times and Timothy instead of helping me he just kept on laughing at me.

I hate to admit but it was so fantastic. The last two days I have been here have literally been the best I have ever had since this year started.

I have done nice things unexpectedly and it has been fun for me.

We decided to sit and have dinner.

" So did you enjoy the horse back riding?" Grandma asked me.

" Yes I did a lot grandma"

Timothy looks at me and then at grandma and then out of no where   "ofcourse grandma, she enjoyed its obvious on her body , don't you see the bandages"

" Timothy stop it "

Timothy receives a phone call so he stood up and picked it.  By the time he came back his mood had changed completely he looked annoyed.

" Grandma I think we shall go back to the city tomorrow, Meghan pack your dress, we are leaving very early in the morning amd I think am fine with the food good night grandma"

He goes upstairs .

" Grandma, thank you for taking care ofe the last few days I spent here with you, I have had the best time "

" Ohh , dear it's not that much, you should get time and visit once in a while, your always welcome"

" Thanks grandma"

I go to bed and sleep and before I knew it. It's morning already. I wake up take a shower and wear some clothes, I was viven clothes and Timothy said they belonged to her cousin. I literally don't care.
I pach my dress and shoes and take the bag down stairs.

" Hurry up and eat breakfast we are already late , I have a meeting at 11 I don't know if I will be in city z by then.
My driver will drop you at your home  in city x so that the paparazzi doesn't follow you around."

" Okay "

The car was so silent only flipping of papers was heard. I don't know what got into him . Maybe he has some problems at work. I won't ask it's non of my business he is just some stranger I met.

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