chapter 10.

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Meghan's pov
It's been two weeks since I came back home. Each and everyday that passes I remember the happy moments I had at the vineyard.

Jake calls me like 50 times a day , he wants me to forgive him and give him back the penthouse but I ain't falling for his schemes any more .
I booked him but he keeps on using other numbers and different websites doesn't he know what the word quiting means? I mean I don't even want to see his face.

Amanda , my best friend I forgave her since she is not the ones that hooked up with my fiancee it was her mom anyway so we are still besties. She even moved from her parents house now she lives with us here in the mansion. Her dad filed a divorce and separated with her mom Ms. Tasha. She has been the whole city topic this week. The paparazzi follow her everywhere, its really heart breaking for Amanda to see her mom in the news like this but let's just say she saw this coming but because she couldn't keep in her lust she suffers the consequences now.

I dropped my teaching course and decided to enroll in the medical course just like my family since am the heir to the clays and the clays foundation is based on being doctors I have no choice anyway. Am getting ready to go to the university and the funny part is am going with my best friend Amanda just that we are doing different courses but the same university and we are sleeping in the same hostel, this is really great.

We get everything we need and put in my range Rover and roll.

Before we knew it we had reached the main compass and into our hostel to our room. We arranged everything in time to get ready for our very first lectures tomorrow morning.

It's been a week since I came to the university. I admit am so busy to the extent that I have no time to lazy around. I have to read two times the normal reading because I came late I wasted all my time on Jake so I found colligues abit far and now I have to read to fill the gap.

So am having two lectures today medical ethics and business ethics and why would a medical student study business ethics? I don't know but all I know is that it's compulsory for every student at the university to do business Ethics. It's studied every Thursday at around midday and then after that I think I will rest before i finish my project work.

I enter the room where we are having the business ethics lectures . Woow it's so mega. Since almost every student Is supposed to do business ethics the room is so big it can consume every student. Me and Amanda climb to the top raw where it's not easy to be seen, I can even be reading anatomy from there and no one will see.

" Hurry up Amanda we need to get seats at the top"
U look around and every one is seated waiting for the lecturer to enter.

We all here foot steps and everyone is silent and then a man enters. The whole class gasped and I looked up to see and I see him it's him, Timothy.

He scans the whole class and spots me , then he pretends as if he doesn't know me.

" Ohh my God he is Soo hot" Amanda says

" Amanda you still remember when I ran on my wedding day and I told you I met a guy who took me to some vineyard ? It him."

" What? I mean you said he was hot but not this hot, this guy looks like a Greek god"

I smile and do other things.
I hear him introducing himself. Jesus Christ he looks nice in the suite.

I read a book until I see everyone looking at me.

" Yes ,you the girl in a white shirt , what do you think of this proposal?"

Jesus Christ where should I even start from. He looks at me and I notice the smirk on his face. Damnit he did it intentionally to embarrass me. Haven't I gone through enough embarrassments this year .

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