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IT HAD been a few weeks, Jenessa was getting along with all the girls. Minus one specific blonde of course, and practices had finally started up last week.

"So Nik, what do you think Geno's gonna make us do today?" JJ asked, the two girls had been attached at the hip lately. "Hmm, I heard Q and Aaliyah talking about partner drills or something like that." The Croatian girl shrugged, fiddling with the strap of her backpack.

"Thats either going to be fun, or literal hell." Jenessa sighed and the two burst into laughing fit, they entered the gym and calmed down, heading for the locker room.

They were fifteen minutes early, so they'd have time to put on their shoes and chat a bit. When they walked in, KK and Ashlynn were goofing off. Aaliyah, Ice and Ines were talking by their lockers.

Jenessa placed her backpack down on a bench, pulling out her white and navy blue shoes, along with a white shooting sleeve. She plopped down, slid her uggs off and began tying up her laces.

"Yoo, Nika! I feel like I havent seen you in a fat minute." Paiges voice rang out throughout the locker room as she came out from the bathrooms. Jenessa popped her head up for a second and saw the tall blonde in nothing but a sports bra and her basketball shorts. Her eyes widened, cheeks flushed red and she quickly turned her attention back to her laces.

"P, I saw you like two days ago." Nika laughed. "Two days too many twin." Paige threw an arm around the brunettes shoulders. "Yeah, yeah. Put a shirt on." She joked, playfully shrugging off her friend's arm then wandering over to her locker.

"Like you dont love whatchu see." Paige winked then threw on her practice jersey. Jenessa finished up tying her shoes then went to the mirror to fix her ponytail, tightening it. "JJ! COME MAKE THIS TIKTOK WITH ME!" KK yelled out. "Boo, we gotta head out in like 5 so Mr. Coach man doesn't make us run suicides." Jenessa waved off the energetic girl.

"ALRIGHT! We're going to start with three laps around the gym, then get into stretching. We'll be doing a lot of defence and offence work today so you all need to be warmed up." Geno yelled out to the team, they all groaned but quickly got to circling the gym.

Once they finished, they all circled up and began stretching. "So JJ, how are you liking it here so far?" Ines asked with a smile, everyone's attention turned to the girl as she stretched out her hamstring. "Well, honestly I am loving it, Iowas great- don't get me wrong. But I feel more at home here." Jenessa shrugged. "Awwwh we love you too Nessa." KK snuggled up to the girl and she laughed, hugging her back before pushing her off gently so she could sit down on the floor and finish stretching.

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now