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JENESSA PRACTICALLY crawled out of class once their professor dismissed them. She and the rest of the team had been pushing themselves the past 2 weeks, game day approaching.

She walked side by side with her new friend Karmen, one she'd met in anatomy class. "Bitch that lecture was sooo boring." Karmen groaned, lazily throwing an arm around Jenessa's waist. "Tell me about it." She replied, her tone just as bored.

"Do you have practice today?" Karmen asked, a glint of hope in her eyes, Jenessa had turned down her offers to hang out the past 4 days in a row due to her training schedule. "No actually! Im free." She laughed at Karmens bewildered face and loud cheer.

Karmen was an extremely outgoing girl, loud, friendly, lovable, and overall a great friend. She's one of the only non-athlete friends Jenessa had made at Uconn so far, so having Karmen around was like a breath of fresh air, one the brunette so desperately needed.

"Perfect! We're doing something, I dont care what you have to say." She squealed, her short blonde hair bouncing as she skipped around. "Okay, okay. Let's hang out." JJ had a huge grin on her face, Karmen's energy contagious.

"Im gonna call Charlie, I'm sure he's doing somethin' tonight." Karmen pulled out her phone, typing away at it as Jenessa sat down on a bench, curious about who this boy was.

Her phone rung a few times before Karmen quickly began talking, the conversation went on for a while and JJ zoned it out, playing with her hair. "Okay, Charlie's having some friends over for a game night and we're invited. He's ecstatic to meet you, apparently he's a fan!" She smiled once she hung up, Jenessa looked up and nodded, feeling excited to meet some new people.

A knock on the door startled Paige, she didn't invite anyone over and Jenessa hadn't told her someone was coming over, but she rolled her eyes and got up from her spot on the couch and headed to the door.

Paige and Jenessa weren't exactly on speaking terms lately anyways, not since the huge blow up. Both being too stubborn to make the first move.

"Hello?" Paige's eyebrows furrowed as she looked down and was met with a short, preppy blonde, dressed in jeans and a crop top. "Hey! I'm here for Jenessa?" Karmen awkwardly said, not being prepared to speak to the 6'0, skeptical Paige Bueckers.

"Mk, come in. She's in her room." She dryly said, stepping aside so Karmen could walk in. Paige shut the door and plopped back on the couch, barely sparing her a glance.

"Karmen! Hi, you should've texted I would've let you in." Jenessa wrapped her arms around her shorter friend's shoulders, squeezing slightly before pulling away. "All good, met your roomie. Didn't tell me it was Paige motherfucking Bueckers."

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